Embraer employees go on paid leave to prevent coronavirus 03/22/2020

The company has around 16,000 employees in Brazil and the measure is aimed at those who cannot work remotely.

Embraer announced that it will place its employees (from all the company's units in Brazil) on paid leave starting this Monday (23). The measure was incorporated as a prevention against the coronavirus (Covid-19) – “aimed at the health and well-being of employees”.

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Funcionários da Embraer entram de licença remunerada em prevenção ao coronavírus

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Embraer has around 16,000 employees in the country and the measure applies to all employees “who cannot perform their activities remotely”. Part of the aircraft manufacturer's employees are working from home offices.

According to Embraer, the license, in principle, is expected to be until March 31. With only a few core activities remaining in operation during the period.

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“Over the next few days, the company's management will analyze the situation and, together with local governments and unions, take the most appropriate decision to protect employees from contagion by the coronavirus and, at the same time, protect our business, from so that everyone suffers as little impact as possible,” he said.

The company also communicated that it is also evaluating the situation in the other countries in which it has operations.

In Brazilian territory, Embraer has units in São José dos Campos, Taubaté, Campinas, Sorocaba, Gavião Peixoto, Botucatu, Campinas, Belo Horizonte and Florianópolis.

Coronavirus: national scenario

Brazil has 1,546 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus, according to the Ministry of Health.

Federal balance sheet points to 25 deaths from Covid-19 until this Sunday (22). That's 7 more than the day before. All were registered in São Paulo, which, until then, is the state with the highest number of cases.

Although the absolute number of cases is still small when compared to the European scenario or, more specifically, the severity of the situation in Italy, Brazil has a worrying prognosis when taking into account the progression in the number of confirmed cases per day since the first day of that it was determined that the virus had arrived in the country.

See too: Quarantine in São Paulo will last until April 7th.

It rises to 1,546 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Brazil

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