It rises to 1,546 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Brazil

The new coronavirus is really impacting all the countries where it has been, and here in our country it will not be different, but what is the danger?

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Many people in Brazil are still not taking the new situation as a real threat, many of these people are young, and they think: "I'm young, I'm not going to die", but this is not the problem, we know that the big problem is the transmission of this virus..

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Which, in turn, happens very quickly. This number, although real, does not really reflect the reality in Brazil, as many people are unable to go to the doctor or we do not have effective care centers to combat this disease, correctly diagnosing it.

Sobe par 1.546 casos confirmados de coronavírus no Brasil

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Health Minister Mandetta said in a public interview this week that in April the public health system will collapse, as the majority of the population is not obeying the recommendations, not only of the Ministry of Health, but also of the World Health Organization, which tells all of us to avoid agglomerations, stay at home, and go out to solve basic things, at most.

What are the worst states with coronavirus?

According to the release of official data, São Paulo continues to be the Brazilian state with the highest concentration of confirmed cases.

More than 18 deaths from the Coronavirus have already been confirmed, and this number is only going to increase, many people are heading to the beaches in a party mood, as if nothing is happening, as if the global outbreak is a joke, or as if this is just a “pripezinha”, as the president said, not giving much credibility to what is happening.

Just last Friday (20), the ministry of health declared that the entire national territory is under the condition of community (or sustained) transmission of the new coronavirus. The measure was praised even by opponents of the government.

Anyway, this happens when there is no way to detect the source of contamination in the patient. The status of the country was confirmed through an ordinance published by the government…

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