Government can edit MP to release resources for Covid-19

Government says that to combat Covid-19, provisional measure should direct R$ 5 billion in resources for actions against the spread of infection in Brazil.

Na última quarta-feira (11), o senador Eduardo Gomes, líder do governo no Congresso Nacional, informou que o governo deve editar uma medida provisória (MP) para liberar R$ 5 bilhões para   combater a disseminação do Covid-19 no país.

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A declaração de Gomes foi após sua participação em uma reunião entre parlamentares e os ministro da economia, Paulo Guedes  e o ministro da saúde, Luiz Henrique Mandetta. Os presidentes do Senado, Davi Alcolumbre, e da Câmara, Rodrigo Maia, também estavam presentes na reunião.

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Provisional measures are edited by the President of the Republic and have the force of law after being published in the “Official Gazette”. The measures, however, need prior approval by Congress within a period of up to 120 days to become concrete laws.

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Confirmed cases in Brazil

According to the Ministry of Health, 53 cases of coronavirus have already been confirmed in the country and 907 cases are under suspicion.

“It is a provisional budgetary emergency measure. The amount that was mentioned was R$ 5 billion, but it could be more. It will depend on the need”, declared Eduardo Gomes.

The provisional measure, according to the leader, should be published this Thursday (12).

Source of funds

O líder do Congresso a ser questionado sobre se a origem dos recursos para o combate diz que  serão as chamadas “emendas de relator” ao Orçamento:

“This is one of the sources. It's the source you're thinking about right now, but it could be any other. What we want to make clear is that any other type of debate on budget movements other than the emergency is jeopardized, because everyone left here very worried about how tomorrow and at the weekend the result and the contamination evolution. said Gomes.

This Thursday, President Jair Bolsonaro, Maia and Alcolumbre should meet to discuss the matter.

The president of the Chamber declared that he was certain that the government and Congress, together, "will organize" a solution this week.

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