SUS predicts 2,000 ICU beds for Covid-19

SUS declares that it will direct 2,000 ICU beds to patients detected with covid-19. Outbreak in Italy increased concern in Brazil.

This Thursday (12), the Ministry of Health said that it will direct 2,000 ICU beds to patients detected with covid-19 by the Unified Health System (SUS). According to the Ministry, concern increased after the accelerated growth of the virus outbreak in Europe, especially in Italy.

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At a press conference, João Gabbardo, the executive secretary of the Ministry of Health, said that it is still an estimate: “When we think of a thousand beds, it was an estimate. Without any concrete data”, informed the executive secretary. “Today, after Italy, our level of concern has increased. That's why we're putting in two thousand beds."

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SUS faz prognóstico de 2 mil leitos de UTI para Covid-19

The SUS must also change the criteria for using beds in Intensive Care Units (ICU). Gabbardo explained that terminally ill patients will not be taken to that sector.

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“We are thinking about suggestions and changes to the use of beds,” he said. “We are not going to put patients unnecessarily in a hospital. It has criteria for use in an emergency situation”, concluded the executive secretary.

On Thursday, it was also announced that 5,000 new health professionals would be invited through the Mais Médicos program to contribute and reinforce the fight against the outbreak of the new coronavirus.

Quarantine and Social Isolation

It was also defined by the Ministry of Health which are the rules for the isolation and quarantine of patients who are confirmed with Covid-19. In the text, it provides that epidemiological surveillance agents are authorized to recommend isolation for people who have been in close contact with someone infected, during the investigation of their case.

The Ministry of Health stated that the decision on whether or not to keep a person who has been in contact with an infected person in isolation will be the responsibility of the professional.

It was also informed that in the event of non-compliance with the recommended isolation or quarantine measures, the person will be held responsible under the terms provided for by law. The ordinance did not go into detail about the types of sanctions that these people may be subject to.

For more information, visit here. 

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