Detran Car Auction – Check

Many people have the dream of buy a car, either for leisure, personal use or for work. However, at various times, it is impossible to buy a car in Brazil, either because of the Brazil cost, or because of the high dollar, or because of the large taxes applied in vehicles sold in Brazil. In that case, there is an alternative for you to get buy your car, this option, it's the DMV car auction.

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Many people believe that auction cars they are no good, they are beaten or broken. However, we can say that this is not always true, if the customer does a good search, it is common that he ends up finding cars in excellent condition, thus being able to buy without regrets.

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With that in mind, today we bring new information about the DMV auction, as well as tips on how to buy one auction car no regrets.

About the DMV

O DMV it is a governmental body, managed by the governments of each respective state. O DMV aims to control overland traffic, and implement traffic laws.

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Furthermore, the Detran has some social programs, such as the program CNH Social, or People's Driver's License, the name varies a little in each state, however, the objective is the same, to help low-income citizens, in conditions of poverty, to conquer the long-awaited driver's license, in free form.

like the DMV, is in charge of supervising land transit, it is extremely common that cars who are in irregular situations, or with an expired document, are apprehended, these are seized cars, that the DMV takes to auction.

How Does the DMV Auction Work?

O auction is not self-produced DMV themselves, the companies that organize those auctions, are the partner auction houses, who participate in a bidding and auction, and earn the right to make these auctions in name of DMV.  

For participate in the auction, you should stay connected to the website of DMV of your state of residence, or in the partner auction house websites, that's where the person interested in buy cars from auction, can register and participate in the auction.

car auction

Great options to know when one will happen new DMV auction, are the internet, local TV channels in your area, and newspapers in your city of residence.

Tips for Buying Auction Cars

To buy auction cars without regrets, making a good purchase, you should be aware of some things, which we will talk about below:

  • Be aware of the vehicle's specifications, on many occasions the auction images are merely illustrative, so pay attention to the information mentioned in the description, such as, for example, if the car has a fine, if it has dents, etc.;
  • Collect some money, even if the cars are priced much cheaper, you will have to pay this amount, in addition to paying a commission to the auctioneer (something around 30% of the bid amount);
  • Check the price of the car in the FIPE table, often the bids on a given car can go up too much, so that it does not end up compensating for the purchase of the car.


If in doubt, visit the website of the DMV, your state of residence.


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