More than 7.5 million have already declared Income Tax 03/26/2020

So far this year, more than 7.5 million taxpayers have submitted Income Tax returns. The Revenue expects to receive 32 million.

There are 25 days left for the delivery of the Personal Income Tax Declaration (IRPF) for 2020, and more than 7.5 million taxpayers have already forwarded their statements. Until 17:00 this Thursday (26), 7,518,007 people had sent the tax to the Federal Revenue.

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This number equates to 23.5% of the 32 million declarations expected this year. The delivery period started on March 2nd and will last until 11:59 pm on April 30th.

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Mais de 7,5 milhões de declarantes de IR nesse ano 26/03/2020

Who delivered the IR before

Taxpayers who declared at the beginning of the term and correctly, have priority in receiving the refund. People over 60 years of age, with serious illnesses or physical disabilities also receive a refund earlier.

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On the website of the Federal Revenue there is the program that generates the declaration available. Those who choose mobile devices, such as tablets or smartphones, will be able to download the Meu Imposto de Renda app from the Google Play stores, for the Android operating system, and the App Store, for the iOS operating system.

In this year, the Income Tax return is mandatory for those who received taxable income above R$ 28,559.70 last year, equivalent to R$ 2,196.90 per month, including the thirteenth salary. The amount of the fine for late delivery is set at 1% per calendar month until 20%. The minimum value is R$ 165.74.


One of the main changes is the anticipation of the refund schedule whose payment will start at the end of May and end at the end of September. And also the end of the INSS deduction for domestic workers.

For the first time, taxpayers with digital certification will receive the pre-filled declaration in the generator program.

For whom is it mandatory?

It is also necessary to declare the Income Tax who received exempt, non-taxable or taxed exclusively at source income, the sum of which was greater than R$ 40 thousand; who obtained, in any month of the past year, capital gain on the sale of goods or rights subject to the incidence of tax or carried out operations on stock, commodities and futures exchanges.

In relation to rural activity, the taxpayer is obliged to declare that he had a gross income greater than R$ 142,798.50. Who had, on December 31, 2019, the possession or ownership of goods or rights. Including bare land, with a total value exceeding R$ 300 thousand. You also need to fill in the declaration.

For more information access. 

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