Revenue extends deadline for delivery of Income Tax 01/04/2020

Due to the influence of the coronavirus crisis, the government announced that the deadline for submitting the Income Tax was extended by 60 days.

This Wednesday the 1st, in an interview at the Planalto Palace, the Federal Revenue Secretary, José Tostes Neto, informed the government's decision to extend the deadline for submitting the Individual Income Tax (IRPF) declaration by 60 days.

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So from today the statement must be delivered by June 30, 2020.

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Receita prorroga prazo para entrega de Imposto de Renda 01/04/2020

“This deadline would expire on the 30th of April and is being extended for delivery on the 30th of June. Therefore, a two-month extension of the deadline for the delivery of individuals”, said the secretary together with other members of the government’s economic team.

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According to the latest balance released by the Revenue, on March 30, 8.1 million declarations were received by the agency. The federal government expects to deliver 32 million declared taxpayers this year.

coronavirus impact

Secretary Tostes Neto, two weeks ago, had stated that the Revenue Service would assess the postponement of the deadline as a result of the advance of the new coronavirus pandemic in the country.

Totes had also informed that the agency would evaluate the impact of the crisis on the taxpayer's conditions to declare the tax.

For whom is it mandatory?

It is also necessary to declare the Income Tax who received exempt, non-taxable or taxed exclusively at source income, the sum of which was greater than R$ 40 thousand; who obtained, in any month of the past year, capital gain on the sale of goods or rights subject to the incidence of tax or carried out operations on stock, commodities and futures exchanges.

In relation to rural activity, the taxpayer is obliged to declare that he had a gross income greater than R$ 142,798.50. Who had, on December 31, 2019, the possession or ownership of goods or rights. Including bare land, with a total value exceeding R$ 300 thousand. You also need to fill in the declaration.

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