Measure blood pressure by cell phone

One of the facilities that technology has brought to our lives is being able to measure blood pressure by cell phone.

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New technologies appear every day that are intended to facilitate day-to-day activities, and when it comes to health too.

Therefore, this application is excellent news for those who suffer from high pressure or low, because it will be more practical to take care of the pressure.

To help you, we have separated a list of applications that will allow you to measure blood pressure by cell phone.

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iCare Health Monitor

First in our list of apps for you measure blood pressure by cell phone have the iCare Health Monitor.

As iCare Health Monitor you will be able to measure your blood pressure and also your heartbeat.

In addition to also being possible to know how is the oxygenation in the blood measured by the person's pulse.

And if you practice physical activities, you can write it down in the application, to have a more precise control of the pressure changes.

You will find the application iCare Health Monitor available for devices with Android and iOS system.

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BP Monitor App

Second, you will also be able to use the app BP Monitor App for measure blood pressure by cell phone.

already with the BP Monitor App you will be able to measure your pulse, in addition to your blood pressure.

But it also allows you to follow all changes in your pressure, through the records that you can do directly in the application.

You will find the application BP Monitor available for devices with Android and iOS system.

Blood pressure

The application Blood pressure is also an option that allows you measure blood pressure by cell phone easily and intuitively.

with the app Blood pressure you will be able to know in more detail how your blood pressure.

In addition, it is possible to query the data at any time, as it is available in the Blood pressure.

But you can still send the data to a spreadsheet and that way share your history with your doctor.

Health Monitor Samsung

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Finally, Samsung makes the application available Health Monitor Samsung which has several functions and allows you to measure blood pressure by cell phone.

The great Samsung did the Health Monitor which has functions such as measuring stress, blood oxygen and of course the blood pressure.

But for the app to be able to measure it, it needs to connect to the company's own smartwatch.

In this way, the smart watch, through a sensor that is located on the user's wrist, can make these measurements.

However, this function will only be available on the latest smartwatch models, and they even have an electrocardiogram.

In addition, the Health Monitor allows you to record the foods you ate during the day, and calculate the calories ingested.


And yet it also records physical activity information, which is also recorded by the smartwatch and contributes to the calculation of calories.

Although it is a Samsung application, it can be installed on both Android and iPhone devices.

Measure blood pressure by cell phone.


If you liked the app tips, share it with friends and family so they can also use the app.

And all the apps on our list you can find in the app stores Google Play Store and Apple Store.

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