Measuring glucose by cell phone

Find out how you can measure glucose by cell phone and monitor your diabetes control more closely.

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If you found out you have diabetes no need to be desperate, it is possible to live calmly with the disease.

But for that, you will need to make some changes in your diet and also always keep track of your glucose in the blood.

Diabetes is nothing more than a failure in the production of insulin, and she is responsible for distributing sugar throughout the body.

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So when it fails, the sugar is stopped in the body and causes damage to some organs, so it always needs to be controlled.

Although there is no cure for diabetes, the treatment is very effective and can guarantee an almost normal life for those who have diabetes.

Therefore, we have separated a list of some apps that allow measure glucose by cell phone to make this task simpler and easier to do.

Follow until the end and choose the best application for you to have on your cell phone.

MySugr – Diary of Diabetes

The first application of ours that allows you to measure glucose by cell phone and the MySugr – Diary of Diabetes.

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The application MySugr – Diary of Diabetes generates reports for the day, week and even month, and also allows you to use carbohydrate tracking tools.

Not only that, but it can measure many types of diabetes such as type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.

In addition, the MySugr can be used to jot down key information about your diabetes, and thus works as a diabetes diary.

And you can easily share notes with your doctor.

The application MySugr – Diary of Diabetes It is available for Android and iOS devices.

Glucose Control

Second, the application Glucose Control also allows you measure your glucose on your cell phone.

It will allow you to know how your blood sugar levels are, and thus medicate yourself if necessary.

But the app also lets you set reminders so you don't forget to take your medications on time.

Furthermore, the application Glucose Control creates a graph where it shows you in an easy way how your blood sugar level is.

And it also shows you what foods you can and cannot eat, to keep your blood glucose controlled.

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The only issue with the application is that to measure it you will need a glucometer.

you will find the Glucose Control Only available for Android devices.

Freestyle Libre

Lastly, you can also measure glucose by cell phone through the app Freestyle Libre.

The app which is from the same company as the glucose sensor, and that it is made to work together with it.

Then, after placing the sensor on the arm, you can install the Freestyle Libre to keep track of your levels glucose in the blood.


In addition, it is possible to see the history of measurements and make notes of food, physical activities and medications.

O Freestyle Libre It is very complete and you will find it available for Android and iOS devices.

Measure blood glucose with app.


Share with friends and family who would like to know about apps to measure blood glucose, and no longer need to draw blood.

Finally, all the mentioned apps you will find in the app stores. Google Play Store and Apple Store.

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