Rules for Acrean Banks During the Covid-19 Pandemic

The Acre Procon are looking for norms , in the fight the pandemic of the coronavirus, in reducing the access of account holders to branches.

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Objective is to reduce the flow of people, with a distance avoiding contacts. As well as the elderly who are at risk of contamination, they are booking exclusive appointments to tend them. Thus, the use of the means of communication applications for cell phones, websites and telephone contacts.

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Normas Para Bancos Acreanos Durante A Pandemia Do Convid-19 04 de abril de 2020

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The Procon/AC (Institute for Consumer Protection and Defense) met with the bank representative, to decide measures to be taken to avoid contagion, between employees and customers with invite-19.

Safety and well-being were guidelines used at the meeting, all measures taken must be passed on to bank account holders, so that they are attended to and do not cause inconvenience to bank branch customers.

The rules for banks

The Central Bank is responsible for passing all the measures, which must be taken by institutions and banks for proper functioning. However, the objective must be to preserve the health of customers by avoiding contamination and helping the state and ministry to reduce and end the pandemic.

In this sense, the state government is asked to help transmit the information that needs to be passed on to consumers.

According to the measures and rules to be taken in the face of the pandemic, see:

Bank of Brazil

  1.  Individuals: For loan payments and differentiated grace periods.
  • Auto Credit: In the case of a grace period, there are 60 days for payment at the beginning of the installment and the installment is extended to up to 2 months;
  •  Salary and BB Credit Renewal: In this case, the grace period is up to 180 days in order to pay the first installment and skip installments for up to 2 months;
  • Consignment Credit and BB Renovação Consignation: With a grace period of up to 180 days and payment of the first installment, follow the conditions as each agreement is linked to the operation.
  1. Subject to credit approval: This has a way of making the payment schedule for Direct Consumer Credit (CDC) more flexible. In short, there will be 1 or 2 months without installment payment in all the years of the contract.

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