Tankers Announce Gas Cylinder A R$ 40 In Natal

The Oil Workers Union of Rio Grande do Norte announced the sale of gas cylinders for R$ 40, equivalent to half the price currently charged.

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According to the action carried out in front of the Petrobras headquarters in Natal, in the Cidade Esperança neighborhood, the initiative has been successfully carried out in other states.

The objective is to explain to the population the reasons for the category strike that started on February 1st, now the movement has already paralyzed 91 units in 13 states of the country.

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Petroleiros anunciam botijão de gás a R$ 40 em Natal 16 de fevereiro de 2020




Thus, the local agenda includes among the demands the resumption of investments by Petrobras to recover production and oil and gas refining capacity.

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The Potiguar State was certainly the second largest producer of oil tankers in Brazil and had a peak of 110,000 barrels per day, today it produces around 36,000.

“The oil tankers inaugurate an unprecedented demand, which is to expand production at Petrobras units”, says the general coordinator of Sindipetro-RN, Ivis Corsino.

Soon, the movement also fights to revert at the national level the dismantling of the state-owned company and the transfer of workers throughout the Petrobras System.

In Rio Grande do Norte, where the sector accounted, in 2018, for 45% of the industrial Gross Domestic Product (GDP), that is, it contributed with R$ 437 million.

Negative Effects

By analogy, the royalties have for the State and 97 municipalities, the mobilizations reach the land field of Alto do Rodrigues and the industrial pole.

According to Sindipetro-RN, activities are being carried out on a daily basis to keep the category organized, to alert the population of the damage caused by Petrobras' privatization policy.

Among the activities carried out in recent days to mobilize workers and clarify the population are assemblies, in accordance with the control of the flow of cars on the highways.

According to the action of February 7th on the oil road (which drains part of the State production), formation of a work commission.

In addition to suspending mass layoffs and complying with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, workers want a change in Petrobras' pricing policy.

In this way, to monitor the international value of a barrel of oil, and put a brake on the economic policy of privatization of the government of Jair Bolsonaro.

After more than four decades of operation in the state, the company no longer sees any advantages in continuing activities and has accelerated the exit process.

Since it left a negative balance in jobs and investments. Between 2015 and 2018, five thousand permanent and outsourced employees.

Petrobras does not consider it profitable to continue exploring onshore and shallow water fields, however it has been working to concentrate activities in the pre-salt area.

According to the president of Petrobras Roberto Castello Branco, he has already admitted to abandoning production in the Northeastern states, North and South, turn attention to the Southeast region.

“In the near future, until 2022, Petrobras will be a company in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo”, he said during an event by the Commercial Association.

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