Federal Revenue grows the number of products with rapid and priority import 03/27/2020

Norma is already in effect and covers products such as medicines used to combat coronavirus, test kits for Covid-19 and automatic DNA sequencers.

The Federal Revenue released this Friday (27) the decision to increase the number of products that will have the import bureaucracies prioritized to help fight the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus - the COVID-19.

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Receita Federal cresce n° de produtos com importação rápida e prioritária

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The standard began to provide for faster import procedures for some items, including:

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  • medicines used to fight the coronavirus;
  • test kits for COVID-19;
  • automatic DNA sequencers;
  • in addition to equipment such as sterilizers;
  • intubation apparatus;
  • medical oxygen.

With the publication of the normative instruction in the “Diário Oficial da União” (DOU), the number of categories with faster import clearance increased to 91.

The week before, the Federal Revenue had already announced an initial list of products that would have customs clearance facilitated due to the pandemic crisis of the new coronavirus.

“These products will have greater speed in the customs procedure, being allowed the delivery of the goods to the importer before the conclusion of the customs conference. In addition, import declarations involving these goods must be given priority treatment. Both by the Federal Revenue Units and by the depositary responsible for their custody”, explained the agency.

With the new rule, the Internal Revenue Service reported that it seeks to maintain a “fast flow” of supply of goods, merchandise and raw materials intended to combat the epidemic. And the goal is "avoid bottlenecks in customs facilities by speeding up the delivery of cargo and allowing its economic use to reinforce the fight against the virus“.

According to the agency, the measure is in line with the epidemic response plan prepared by the Ministry of Health. Which, in turn, declares a Public Health Emergency of National Importance as a result of Human Infection by the new Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). And also with an ordinance that regulates and operationalizes the law that establishes measures to deal with the pandemic.

For more information on finance and the impact of coronavirus on our society and economy, access.

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