Fire and weather insurance

meet the Fire and weather insurance, keep your company safe from these terrible events.

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We have seen fires in companies in all sectors on the news, over the years, great losses have occurred.

When such a catastrophe occurs, businesspeople find themselves in the middle of an important decision, as they have large investments. Furthermore, they need to continue providing their services under contracts.

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But how will they be able to get back on their feet quickly to fulfill their contracts, keep their employees and stay in business? This is only possible when there is a business insurance.

Today, several insurance policies are available for emergency assistance for a company, including in cases of fire. Find out a little more about this great type of insurance.

An expert's opinion

Firstly, when we want to know what is best for our company we must look for a specialist.

In this case, we found in the person of Jardel Busarello regional manager of Sebrae good advice.

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Climate change makes insurance for companies increasingly necessaryAccording to the expert, many companies did not understand this importance.

Even when the property is rented, there is coverage that keeps both the owner and the tenant safe. This may be an attitude taken by the owner at the time of rental.

Making it yours safer assets and the continuity of your company guaranteed. Unfortunately, many business owners only realize the importance of this after an accident occurs.

The insurance has coverage for weather events such as lightning or the like. To give you an idea of the need, in 2022 alone there were more than 6,200 fires in São Paulo.

Companies destroyed by fire

Initially, having Insurance is as important in your planning as your sales strategies or logistics. Given that insurance can guarantee continuity of your company.

Fire and weather insurance is a way of protecting your most important assets.

More recently, two large companies were consumed by a large fire. The company Alpacas and Reviplast were involved in a great tragedy.

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This occurred in São Leopoldo at the end of May. With around 1400 square meters, the company was completely devastated. This was the testimony of the owner of the Alpacas company.

He said “It burned the entire company, all the packaging stock and also the raw materials”. How do you get up after a hard blow like this?

This occurred in the city of São Leopoldo in Rio Grande do Sul, but many other companies experienced something similar. Protect your assets.

Business insurance

Finally, the Bank of Brazil It has many categories for insurance, including the business option.

The values are flexible, depending on the coverage you want for your property.

You can insure your business including many different coverages.


Or just including what you understand as the greatest risk your company has. Anyway, there are several ways to make your assets safer than they already are.

Find out about the insurance plans Bank of Brazil, and choose the one that best fits your reality. Always sleep peacefully with business insurance.

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