Discover the best apps to dry your belly in 2023

We know that flattening your belly and having six-pack abs is a lot of people's dream. Despite the countless difficulties, the easiest way to do this in 2023 is by exercising.

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And this becomes much easier when we have the help of some applications.

Well, we know that taking care of our body is essential to keeping our health up to date!

However, exercising at a gym can be challenging.

Above all, finding time to go to the gym, maintaining a daily exercise routine and balancing this with your personal life and career can become a major obstacle.

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So, to help you with this task, our team selected some apps to help you flatten your belly using just a few minutes a day.

And the best of all? You can train from home – so completely free and without worrying about commuting, a crowded gym, old or non-working equipment, among other problems that a gym can present.

This way, with apps for exercising at home, you can dry your abdomen without needing a multitude of machines or signing up to a gym.

It only takes a few minutes a day for you to change your body.

Check out our list of apps now for those looking to train at home and want to flatten their stomach.

Google Fit

The first app on our list is by far one of the best free options for those who want to exercise at home.

Developed by the technology giant, GoogleFit has numerous features and a user-friendly interface.

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Among the app's main functions, you can:

Measure, monitor and store your fitness information on mobile devices and smartwatches.

Set personal goals fitness

To compare activity over time to see your progress

GoogleFit app screenshot

To download the app on your cell phone android, access the app store GooglePlay.

For iPhone (iOS), download directly from AppStore.

Nike Training Club

Similarly, the second application on our list was also developed by another giant from the business world, but now from the sports sector: Nike.

O NTC (Nike Training Club), is the ideal app for those looking for a free option full of content to help flatten their belly, tone their muscles and improve their health.

Over 150 workouts – diversified into modalities such as Yoga, Mobility and Strength Training -, and separated by difficulty levels, from beginner to advanced.

Nike Training Center (NTC) app screenshot

To access more details and be able to use the app on your android, download through the app store GooglePlay.

For iPhone (iOS), download via AppStore.

Fit Notes

Finally, the last application on the list is FitNotes, one of the best free apps today.


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Among the main features of the FitNotes app, we highlight:

– Visualization of your personal progress in training and areas for improvement through graphs

– Record your personal bests

– Complete customization: create exercises and training routines designed for you

FitNotes app screenshot (only available for Android)

To download the FitNotes, access the app store GooglePlay and download it right now.

However, unfortunately for iPhone (iOS) the application FitNotes is not available for download.


First of all, it is worth remembering that All applications presented in this article do not replace guidance from a physical education professional.

In this sense, before starting an exercise routine, we recommend that you look for a doctor and do it exams routine on a regular basis.

Above all, beyond physical exercise It is important to maintain a proper diet so you can achieve your goals faster.

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