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  • Por conta do coronavírus, estabelecimentos estão fechando seus negócios

    Due to coronavirus, establishments are closing their businesses

    Establishments are closing their businesses and laying off employees in Rio de Janeiro. In the state, there are already 109 cases of coronavirus infection. Last Friday (20), in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Ipanema, an award-winning ice cream shop, Vero, closed its operations. The store suffered the economic effects of the coronavirus. Italian Andrea Panzacchi, owner […] More

  • OMS ressalta que coronavírus também atinge jovens

    WHO points out that coronavirus also affects young people

    The World Health Organization stressed the importance of younger people also taking care of themselves. Coronavirus can also be dangerous for the youngest. This Friday (20), the World Health Organization (WHO), pointed out that although the coronavirus infection is more lethal for the elderly, the younger population is not immune and is also at risk. […] More

  • Bovespa prossegue caindo depois de novo "circuit breaker"

    Bovespa continues to fall after another “circuit breaker”

    Ibovespa drops from 10.26% to 66.961 points on the day and triggers a “circuit breaker”. Investors are looking for ways to alleviate the effects This Wednesday (18), the Brazilian stock exchange, B3, fell and had its business suspended. The circuit breaker occurred at 1:18 pm on a pullback of 10.26%, the sixth time in the last eight days. […] More

  • Há registro de morte infantil por Covid-19, segundo OMS

    There are records of infant deaths from Covid-19, according to WHO

    According to the WHO, the most vulnerable people are still those who are older or have pre-existing diseases, and all care is needed This Monday (16), the director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said that there are record of deaths of children due to the new coronavirus (Covid-19). And did not give more details [...] More

  • Firjan propõe plano de apoio às empresas por causa do coronavírus

    Firjan proposes support plan for companies because of the coronavirus

    Firjan makes a proposal to the Federal Government for a support plan for companies to help with financial maintenance, after the expansion of the new coronavirus The Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan) created a document with several proposals to contribute to the preservation of jobs and maintaining the financial health of companies. Soon […] More

  • É confirmado 2° caso de transmissão comunitário do coronavírus no RJ

    2nd case of community transmission of the coronavirus is confirmed in RJ

    Until the morning of this Saturday (19), the number of people confirmed with the coronavirus was 19. In all, the state has 228 suspected cases. At the moment, two cases of community transmission of the coronavirus have already been confirmed in Rio de Janeiro. This situation is when it is no longer possible to identify the chain of infection [...] More

  • Europa é o novo epicentro da pandemia de coronavírus

    Europe is the new epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic

    According to the World Health Organization, Europe is the new epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. Numbers already surpass those of China. This Friday (13), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO). He stated that at that moment Europe became the new epicenter of the new coronavirus pandemic. Noting that the numbers […] More

  • Ibovespa se recupera após ter 3° circuit breaker na mesma semana

    Ibovespa recovers after having 3rd circuit breaker in the same week

    After suffering the biggest drop since 1998 amid the coronavirus scenario, Ibovespa recovers and the index rose to 14% while the dollar fell This Friday (13), shortly after the big drop the previous day, where the stock market closed down by 14.78% , at 72,582.53 points. And he triggered the “circuit breaker” twice. The Exchange operated […] More

  • Diante do cenário do coronavírus, saiba o que é uma pandemia

    In the face of the coronavirus scenario, know what a pandemic is

    World Health Organization, said that we are experiencing a pandemic in the world. Viruses have infected more than 118,000 people in 114 countries This Wednesday (11), the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic for Covid-19, the infection caused by the new coronavirus. Organization stated that the number of cases, deaths and affected countries should […] More

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