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  • Aeroporto do Galeão passará a ter 3 voos por dia em abril 31/03/2020

    Galeão Airport will have 3 flights per day in April 31/03/2020

    Galeão Airport in RJ reduced the number of daily flights to Guarulhos in SP to 3. Measure will be valid until April 30th. Tom Jobim International Airport (Galeão), informed this morning (31) in a note, changes to prevent the new coronavirus. In line with the mesh operation […] More

  • Volta o funcionamento dos bancos no Rio de Janeiro 28/03/2020

    Banks return to operation in Rio de Janeiro 03/28/2020

    Governor of Rio authorizes return to the operation of bank branches in the state. Coronavirus cases continue to rise in the country. Last Friday, the 27th, the measure in which Governor Wilson Witzel authorized the return of bank operations in Rio de Janeiro was published in the Official Gazette of the state. The measure authorizes the operations […] More