Emergency Aid: savings withdrawals begin to be released this Monday

Those who are anxiously awaiting the second installment of the emergency aid benefit can celebrate, as Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) starts to release this Monday (27).

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We separate important information that will certainly help you who are in doubt. About cash withdrawals from Emergency Aid resources deposited in the bank's digital savings.

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ms according to editorial unties the second of the G1, these deposits were made to beneficiaries who do not receive Bolsa Família and who do not have an account at another bank.

Auxílio Emergencial: saques em poupança começam a ser liberados nesta segunda

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Emergency Aid - check for updates

This Monday, Caixa already released the release of cash withdrawals, following a calendar that depends on the beneficiary's date of birth, which runs from this Monday until May 5.

If you registered and didn't receive it, don't worry, for those who haven't yet had the withdrawal released in cash, but have already had the amount deposited in digital savings, the resources can be used digitally, for the payment of invoices or using barcode, and for transferring to other bank accounts.

It is important to say that, according to official regulations, regarding the benefit of emergency aid, the limitation only worth for those who are receiving aid for the digital savings created by Caixa. Those who indicated a previous bank account or are going to receive the R$ 600 in replacement of the Bolsa Família have no withdrawal restrictions.

Caixa also clarified in a note that the withdrawal schedule is a preventive measure against the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective is to “avoid crowds in agencies and lottery units, exposing employees, partners and customers to the risk of contagion”.

Check the available withdrawal calendar:

  • April 27th: people born in january and february
  • April 28th: born in march and april
  • April 29th: born in may and june
  • April 30th: born in july and august
  • may 4th: born in september and october
  • May 5th: born in november and december

After all, how to withdraw the benefit from the government?

It is not very difficult, what you need to know is that workers will be able to withdraw the aid at ATMs and lottery outlets across the country, without the need to use a card. However, it will be necessary to request the withdrawal through the Caixa TEM application.

So far, no other way to request the withdrawal has been reported.

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