Bolsa Família 2021: Consult the Emergency Aid Calendar

Many beneficiaries of Bolsa Familia program, they want to know if they will receive the emergency aid, and also, when will receive assistance, the federal government, recently released, through the Union's official gazette, these two pieces of information.

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The other beneficiaries registered with CadÚnico, who do not receive the family bag, and the others registered on the Caixa Tem application, had support from the federal government, which stated that payments will begin by the 4th of next month.

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Who will receive emergency aid?

All participants in the Bolsa Familia, will receive emergency aid, as long as the value of the emergency aid is greater than the benefit of the Bolsa Familia, this is because the government established that the citizen You can only receive 1 benefit, and the law defines that the citizen will receive the highest value benefit.

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When will Bolsa Família beneficiaries receive the aid?

According to, published by the federal government and its economic team in the official gazette, the Bolsa Familia beneficiaries, will receive from April 16th, following a calendar according to the final NIS number, that is:
End of NIS 1 – 16/04; End of NIS 2 – 19/04; End of NIS 3 – 22/04; End of NIS 4 – 23/04; End of NIS 5 – 23/04; End of NIS 6 – 26/04; End of NIS 7 – 27/04; End of NIS 8 – 28/04; End of NIS 9 – 29/04; Final of NIS 0 – 30/04. Stay tuned for other information on the program’s official websites.

What is the value of the benefit?

O Emergency Aid, was extended to 2021, in this new round of payments, 4 initial installments, (can be extended for more installments, if necessary). The values will vary according to the analysis of each family, the citizen who lives alone, you will receive R$ 150 reais, the family that has it, mother and father as supporters, you will receive R$ 250 reais, and the family in which the mother is a single parent, you will receive R$375 reais.

It is worth noting that they are only able to receive the benefit of Emergency Aid, the citizen who already received the benefit in 2020, and a new request cannot be made, therefore, only updating the current registration can be done, through the application of the box has, all updates will be analyzed by the company Dataprev.

New Bolsa Família 2021 

The federal government has already decided that it will make changes to the program Bolsa Família, the economic team plans to include more people in the program, increase the value of installments paid, in addition to implementing the productive digital microcredit, through this implementation, the beneficiary will be able to request a credit of up to R$ 1,000 reais, as long as they are a micro entrepreneur, thus being able to resume economic activities.

Bolsa Família 2021: Emergency aid payment calendar

According to the proposal, the portions of the New Bolsa Familia can go up to R$ 200 reais.


Do you have any questions? Want more information? You can get in touch via the website Caixa Econômica Federal, or by calling 0800 726 0207, within the website, it is also possible to speak in a virtual chat.

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