Federal Revenue Car Auction

Many people need a car, be it as a means of work, or just for a walk. However, in the current situation, in which we are going through a pandemic, with economic instability, and the high dollar, buying a new vehicle can become a difficult task. Either because of the high interest rate for installments, or simply because you don't have the full amount, for cash payment. One option is to buy through a car auction.

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With that in mind, today we present the IRS car auction, an opportunity, for you who want buy a car, with a price below market value.

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The Federal Revenue is a government agency, responsible for the administration of federal taxes, it also acts to combat tax crimes, smuggling, and drug trafficking, the federal agency also acts in customs management. Founded in 1968 by Artur da Costa e Silva, it is directly managed.

IRS car auction

The Federal Revenue has two types of auctions, a traditional auction, which takes place in the format in person, and another that takes place in digital format, online. However, due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus, the IRS car auctions are happening only in the online format.

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In this sense, the Federal Revenue organizes several auctions during the year, in the most varied segments. Cars offered at auction, are usually vehicles seized by police forces in operations along Brazilian federal highways.

How to participate in the Federal Revenue Auction

First, to participate in a IRS car auction, the body will require an effective registration and login on the Federal Revenue website called e-CAC. However, to view the virtual catalog of lots, you do not need to have a prior registration. It is important, that you carefully analyze, the cars, the specifications, fines (if the car has one).

Useful Information about the Federal Revenue Car Auction

In this sense, it is important to make it clear that in a auction, the one who gives the highest bid for vehicle, therefore not necessarily, the price of the car will be the one provided on the Revenue website, because if someone else is also interested in the vehicle, will stay with car, whoever makes the highest final bid.

IRS car auction

Another point to pay attention to is to observe where the car that you want to buy, if that car is too far from your residence, it can be complicated and expensive, looking for it or bringing it to you.

Finally, you can pay in cash or check, if you are going to pay in cash, if you are going to pay in parts, it is possible to make a down payment on the day after the purchase, and the rest in direct debit for up to 8 days after the purchase is made.


Got questions? Would you like more information? The Federal Revenue offers service channels for clarifications, you can get in touch, or even keep an eye on new published auctions, through the website of the IRS, or through the customer service channels of IRS.     

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