Bolsonaro sanctions aid from R$ 600 with vetoes 01/04/2020

Bolsonaro sanctions the aid that is directed to workers whose income was most affected by the coronavirus crisis.

It was confirmed this Wednesday (1), by the leader of the government in the Senate, Fernando Bezerra Coelho, that President Jair Bolsonaro sanctioned the bill that guarantees an emergency benefit of R$ 600 for informal workers during the period of the coronavirus crisis.

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According to the leader, the proposal was sanctioned with three vetoes. Parliamentarians were pressing the government for a quick sanction.

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Bolsonaro sanciona com vetos auxílio de R$ 600 01/04/2020

On Monday (29), the project was concluded in the National Congress. The decision should be published in an extraordinary edition of the Official Gazette this Wednesday.

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Under the tutelage of the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, the project provided for the payment of a benefit of R$ 200 reais to the beneficiaries, to reduce the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the lives of these citizens.

benefit increase

Last Thursday (26), the project that had been considered very low by party leaders in the Chamber, was approved for an increase.

According to the text, two people from the same family will be allowed to accumulate benefits: one from emergency aid and one from Bolsa Família. If, in this case, the aid is greater than the grant, the person may opt for the aid.

The average income will be verified through CadÚnico for subscribers and, for non-subscribers, with self-declaration on a digital platform.

Family income will include all income obtained by the total number of members living in the same household, except for Bolsa Família money. So far, there is no scheduled date for the aid to start being paid. And there is also no name of which body will operate the payment that will be made by Caixa, Banco do Brasil and Correios.


On Wednesday night, in a session held via videoconference, the Senate plenary approved, 1st, the expansion of beneficiaries by the measure dubbed the 'coronavoucher', the benefit of R$ 600 which will be allowed for informal workers for two months to soften the effects of the coronavirus on the person's daily life and income.

The Senate increased the benefit paid in double, of 1,200 reais, for men who are heads of families, according to the original text, the benefit was reserved only for women. Teenage mothers have also been included in the program in this update, and will receive the benefit of R$ 600.

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