Put photos with music in your Whatsapp Status

Primeiramente, muito provavelmente você já tentou colocar fotos com música em seu whatsapp, porém não conseguiu como no instagram e no facebook. Music on your WhatsApp status.

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But with great advances in technology and increased resources and through applications, you will be able to perform these functions, providing beautiful status in Whatsapp.

We know that when trying to publish, it's not as easy as on Instagram or other social networks.

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Through this feature, it will allow you to perform functions customizing the way you want, using the application screenshot, that can be used free, which can be downloaded with android It is iphone.

With that in mind, we will teach you how to put photos with music in your whatsapp status, see the following tutorial:

Add music to a photo using inshot

Step 1. Download and install the screenshot in your cell phone's virtual store, click on the option "video", then select the button "new".

Step2. Choose a photo you want from your gallery to open editing the screenshot. Then click on the button music.

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Step 3. Click the button “songs” and choose some of the frames with music through the app;

Step 4. Click on the music where you want to listen. Choose one music and click on download, on the right side of the screen;

Step 5. Click the button "to use” for the chosen song to appear in the editing screen. In sequence slide from the beginning of the file to the right. Then slide to the beginning of the video.

Por fim, continue até encontrar a parte que deseja para seu video;

Step 6. Choose the audio file and click the "to divide”, in the menu to cut the unwanted part. Don't forget to set the music to the same length as the video using the feature to drag the ends;

Step 7. When finishing editing, click on the arrow button on the left side of the screen. Then choose the resolution and frame rate to perform your video. If you don't want to change anything, just tap "To save” to download the video to the mobile library.

How to add image with music in whatsapp status

Step 1. Log into your app Whatsapp, and click your status profile and click the camera icon. Then tap on the video you created in screenshot;

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Step 2. Customize the video as desired with stickers and text. After editing, tap the arrow icon to publish on your status.

Insert music in whatsapp status

As we know there is no possibility to add music to the whatsaap, a way to add songs to the status yours whats.

However, several users of the application found a way to share their songs with your friends.

The tip will work on both android and iphone, open your favorite music app (spotify, deezer or amazon music), choose the song you want to post and click play to play on your smartphone.

Notice that the music continues to play even when you open the Whatsapp, just enter the status from your app click on “+” to add status.

Por fim, coloque a mão sobre a câmera ou grave um video with the music in the background, at the end the video will have the music to the bottom.


Desse modo, os aplicativos mencionados no texto estão disponíveis para download na  google play store It is app store.

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