How to apply for retirement by cell phone

With the advent of the internet, many procedures gained the option of being requested remotely, through the virtual field, using smartphones, cell phones It is apps. With the pandemic caused by covid-19, these procedures were accelerated, so no more spending hours and hours in the queue at INSS agencies. Using the "My INSS" application, you can apply for retirement by cell phone.

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However, you must perform the procedure correctly, otherwise you will have to redo the whole process, or bring problems in the release of your retirement.

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In this sense, today we will teach you step by step so that you can apply for retirement online.

How to apply for retirement by cell phone

So that you can apply for retirement by cell phone, first of all, you will need to find the "My INSS" application, in your online store cell phoneGoogle Play” or “app store”, and download it.

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If you already have the registration, just click on the option “to enter”. If you are not registered, you will need to click on “register password” and follow the guidelines of the application.

After this first step, follow the tutorial below:

  1. Enter your CPF, select “advance”;
  2. Enter the password and select “enter”;
  3. On the homepage, click on “apply for retirement”;
  4. On the next tab, choose which retirement modality you want to request, for example (by contribution time, by age, person with a disability, rural, etc);
  5. Choose "update", to verify your personal data. Next, click on the “next” button;
  6. Re-confirm the kind of retirement who wants to apply;
  7. Press “next”;
  8. Answer with yes and no to the questions that will appear on the screen. application;
  9. Next, check the personal information, and choose the option in which you agree to follow the process through the "My INSS”, email or central 135, also informing whether the death pension is received;
  10. On this same selection screen, you can attach documents to prove your right to the retirement benefit, including personal documentation. (To attach this documentation, select the “+” sign, and follow the instructions below). Next, click on the “next” option;
  11. here the INSS will feature a list of companies you've worked for, and the contributions you've made. If the information is wrong, you can correct it by clicking on the pencil icon;
  12. If you haven't really worked in the indicated period, you can remove this data by clicking on the trash can;
  13. If you need to inform another job, click on the “+” sign and add a new link. Also mention the start and end date of your contribution time and then select “next”;   
  14. Check that the information is true and filled in correctly, and then click on “confirm”;
  15. Choose an agency INSS closest to you, to receive your benefit and apply the option “next”;
  16. If everything is correct, select “I declare that I have read and agree with the information above” and then go to “next”;
  17. Store the generated voucher.
my inss

If you don't know how to access the application, the request can also be made by telephone, through the number 135. INSS open from monday to saturday, starting at 7am and ending at 10pm.

Simulate Retirement by Cell Phone

For simulate retirement, see contribution time, just access the "My INSS" application, released for cell phones Android and iOS, the first step is to log in to the application with CPF and password.

On the home screen of My INSS, simply select the option “simulate retirement”. From the data that the federal government has on their jobs, the results of each calculation are reported. And if you are already fit to retire in every simulation.


In case of doubt, for more information, or to request retirement, the application "My INSS is available for download at Google Play It is app store.

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Apply for retirement online