Coronavirus: immunity passport is still unfeasible, says WHO

There is definitely no way for anyone to ignore the tragic changes that the coronavirus has caused across the planet, but why do many people still not believe in its terrible impacts?

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If you search on Google for the most searched words, or rather, the topic being discussed in the last four months, you will notice that the disease “coronavirus” is undoubtedly in first place.

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However, many people, governments, religious leaders, public authorities from all sides of the planet, continue with a minimizing speech of the disease, considering hysteria.

Coronavírus: passaporte de imunidade ainda é inviável, diz OMS

Coronavirus and the immunity passport

Acclaimed by tourists and travelers, “immunity passports” should never be used as a strategy to ease quarantines against the coronavirus, said the WHO in a new technical report, published on Friday night (24).

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The document, which reviews 20 scientific studies, says that “There is no overwhelming evidence.” that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected against a second infection.”

Therefore, the WHO warned that the risk is that people with a positive test result will begin to ignore public health advice, as they consider themselves immune to a second infection, and new uncontrollable gatherings will soon begin.

“The use of such certificates may therefore increase the mass risks of continued transmission,” concludes the technical recommendation from the world’s largest health body.

Final considerations about the immunity passport

According to an editorial in Folha, the WHO highlighted that immunity to a pathogen is a process that involves several reactions by the body, generally over the course of one or two weeks.

But what does it mean?

Just look: when infected by a virus, the body responds immediately with cells called macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells slow the progress of the virus and can certainly even prevent it from causing future symptoms.

The WHO report highlighted that this response is therefore non-specific, in other words, it is a reaction to any invading virus. In this way, the body produces proteins called immunoglobulins, antibodies, which specifically bind to the virus.

And there ? What do you think? Would an immunity passport resolve the situation?

Leave your opinion!

Source: Newspaper.

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