Good news! Brazil starts delivering respirators for the treatment of Covid-19

One of the main problems for the treatment of Covid-19 is solved with equipment that is important for the treatment, such as respirators. According to the official statement, this seems to be no longer a problem.

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O Ministry of Health, with the help of the Government, it will end the month with the delivery of 272 respirators produced in Brazil.

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The contracts that were signed as of April 7, guarantee a national solution in the face of the worldwide difficulty in acquiring equipment.

Today, the Ministry of Health had a purchase of 15 thousand respirators produced in China, which had to be canceled because the supplier could not get the devices. Thus, over three months, a network of companies will help meet the needs of the SUS (Unified Health System), with 14,100 mechanical respirators.

Notícia Boa! Brasil começa a entregar a solução nacional para respiradores

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Ventilators help patients who cannot breathe on their own

Doctors say that use is indicated in the most serious cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), which have breathing difficulties. It is known that today Brazil has 65,411 respirators/ventilators, of which 46,663 are available in the SUS. The new devices will serve for strategic care throughout the dynamics of the disease in the country, especially in the services with the highest burden.

Still on Covid-19, the new minister of health said:

“An important factor in the distribution of equipment will be the qualification of health professionals. We already have devices distributed throughout Brazil and professionals responsible for these services. When we put more respirators in the system, we will also have to look at who will work with them and what the execution capacity of each location is.”

Therefore, in view of the scenario of international shortages due to high demand worldwide due to the pandemic, the Brazilian industry has been moving to meet the national need. In addition, more than 15 institutions are involved, including processor manufacturers, financial institutions and high-tech companies, among others.

In an official note from the Ministry of Health, he added:

“Finding solutions to provide more service capacity to the system is fundamental”. “We are going to use this solution to meet demand throughout the epidemic in Brazil. There is no point in randomly distributing it to all states. This must be done according to demand and also looking at the capacity of the local health network to expand its service. We cannot allow these devices to be underused.”

Finally, according to a note released on the Ministry of Health website, a solid partnership between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy carried out a mapping of the industrial park, when the capabilities of each sector were identified.

Therefore, in this mapping, companies were found that had a small production scale, but that had expertise and others that could contribute to expanding deliveries in the shortest possible time.

Source: Ministry of Health 

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