Measure: R$ 51 billion to integrate the salary of those with reduced hours 04/01/2020

The part concerning companies, according to Paulo Guedes, is to keep jobs. And that the government would supplement up to 30% from the salary.

R$ 51 billion for the integration of salaries of workers who have a reduced workload by the company. Announces Paulo Guedes about the government, this Wednesday, April 1st.

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The government already had the intention of carrying out the salary supplement as part of the measures to “soften” the impact on the economy due to the new coronavirus pandemic. A provisional measure with actions in the area of work and employment should be sent to Congress this Wednesday or Thursday (2), according to the Planalto Palace.

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R$ 51 bilhões são anunciados para integrar salário de quem tiver jornada reduzida 01/04/2020

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“There are R$ 51 billion of our labor program that give companies several possibilities. How to reduce hours in 20%, 25%, 30% and the government covers this difference in salary. If the company is having difficulty and wants to reduce [the working hours and wages] 20%, 25%, 30%, the government pays. We are paying companies to keep jobs,” he said.

Other measures

The minister recalled that in addition to the disclosed R$ 51 billion. Which are intended to integrate the salary of workers who have a setback in the journey. The following was stated last week:

  • a line of credit (backed by 85% from the National Treasury) of up to R$ 40 billion for companies to pay employee salaries.

“Are you out of money to pay the other 70% [of workers' wages]? We give credit to keep the job. Both the labor wage supplement program and the credit to finance the payroll are being insured. The total is R$ 200 billion, 2.6% of GDP for maintaining health, preserving life and maintaining jobs”, he concluded.

Paulo Guedes also said that the programmed assistance for informal workers, which was also extended to individual micro-entrepreneurs, would encompass a total of R$ 98 billion. This is aimed at something around 54 million Brazilians. So far, the government's economic branch had reported that the value would be R$ 45 billion.

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