Financial planning for freelancers – check out special tips

O financial planning for self-employed It is not a subject that you normally find on many portals, however, knowing the importance of financial education, in this article you will learn important points.

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How to planfinancially being autonomous? Does financial planning really work, even for those people who don't have a fixed income? Why should I plan? What are the benefits?

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When talking about planning we are also talking about organization and principles of ethics and control over one's own life.

Planejamento financeiro para autônomos 11fevereiro-2020

Check out tips from personal finance experts below on how to plan

Perhaps for some people, being autonomous may be what many Brazilians want. Who wouldn't like to set their own schedule, have control over activities and, in addition, be able to manage their business freely and independently?

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However, we know that the truth is that it is far from being all that they think. Anyone who works as their own boss knows very well that financial organization is something that needs to be done carefully, because after all, unlike an employee, you are not sure how much will come in the next month, right?

This tip is essential for all freelancers: know what your fixed costs are.

Economists recommend spreadsheets for financial planning to work. Yes, this is an excellent way to have a broader overview of cats and even visualize what is not so necessary and can be wisely avoided.

Experts also recommend paying special attention to periods like the beginning of the year. Your personal bills will increase, so be careful not to go completely into debt.

Choose tools that help you organize.

Something very powerful that will certainly help is the use of a financial manager, which can be an excellent option. In it, you will monitor all expenses and earnings, being able to have a safe and quick view of how the financial health of your company and also, personally, is going.

Planning for self-employed people – use your credit card wisely

One of the most complicated things for those who don't know how to organize personal finances, you need to have a financial planning even for using your credit card, because after all you can spend more without realizing it.

Understand that if your money has not been invested in something interesting, over time, you will end up spending it on futile things or on expenses without good use.

Ultimately, when planning for self-employment is well applied, you invest your money and it starts working in your favor.

Try looking for an investment that suits your profile, evaluate the risks, durability and start slowly.

May you do well financial planning!


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