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    Covid-19 deaths in Brazil are faster than Spain

    With the intention of alerting the country to an imminent collapse, in relation to Covid-19, 7 specialists from different institutions measured the 'speed' of the disease in the country; in other words, the time it takes for the virus to double the number of deaths, but will the authorities pay attention to these studies? If you stay […] More

  • Depression and anxiety grow due to Covid-19 – What to do?

    Covid-19 is already the most typed term in Google searches, and this is no coincidence, as the new coronavirus, which started back in December, arrived to change structures, but what to do in the face of this challenge? Everyone has been and continues to be challenged, because there is no cure for the virus that plagues all of humanity, […] More

  • Covid-19: doctors in Campinas will test Vermifugo Annita

    Como falamos durante toda essa semana, a cura para o coronavírus tem sido objeto de obsessão por parte de mutos médicos em todo o mundo, e claro, aqui no Brasil não seria diferente. Portanto, além de encontrar a cura para um vírus tão terrível, quem descobrir ou desenvolver uma vacina eficaz contra o vírus, certamente […] More