Teich says there will be no end to isolation with the growth of Covid-19

It is noticeable that Brazil is already on the brink of chaos in relation to Covid-19, but unfortunately the actions that the health authorities are taking only prove ineffective.

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Teich stated that there will be no end to social isolation, however, what are the new measures? These are questions that were asked to him at the meeting with governors, the answers on the action plan, none of the governors were happy.

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Check below, a summary of what was said and not said in this meeting with the new Minister of Health, which, by the way, even had an unexpected scene with a half-naked participant, as soon as the meeting started.

Teich diz que 'não haverá fim do isolamento com crescimento da covid-19'

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What are the measures to combat Covid-19?

New Minister Nelson Teich asked a question about where governors are buying respirators outside the country at a meeting this Wednesday (29), which was interpreted by governors as a confession that he is lost, not knowing what to do.

The governors also understood that there is no sign that the federal government has any plans to change this. Just look at the case of Bahia, with a clear example of this. The state says it needs 1,300 ventilators by mid-May. Teich says that national production delivers 180 a week. For all of Brazil.

Teich said he was unable to make purchases outside. The governors passed a list of tips from where they acquired, from China and Europe.

But it wasn't just that, dear readers of Secure Digital. Other points of the meetings drew attention.

The new minister spoke from the Planalto Palace and not from the Ministry of Health, the teleconference link was sent by the Presidency and General Braga Netto (Casa Civil) opened the meetings. The impression was unanimous of the strong control imposed by Bolsonaro on Teich is evident, he wanted to know everything that was being said.

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Source: Newspaper

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