3 credit card options for those with low scores

Credit cards for those with a low score are not very easy, as most banks require a certain amount of credibility from those who want approval.

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Today we've put together three interesting credit card options for you to search for cards without too much bureaucracy, but let's warn you: There is no easy card for anyone!

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There are many advertisements out there that sell information like: 5k card with no bureaucracy or instant credit card approval. Calm down, that's not how things work.

Having an approved card is, above all, having credibility with the bank that approved it, right? Not always, see below how to actually get a card without so much bureaucracy.

3 opções de cartão de crédito para quem tem 29 fevereiro-2020

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Before talking about credit card options with easy approval. Do you know what score is?

Many people don't care about this, they don't follow their score on the Serasa website, but you have to be aware, because for many companies, having a high score on the score is a good reason for releasing a credit card.

Of course, there are banks that don't pay much attention to your score in your score, for example, Itaú bank is not a bank that pays much attention to your SCORE score. For him, his relationship with the Bank is more important.

But here we go: 3 credit card options with easy approval.

The first major approval option without much bureaucracy is Banco Nubank, the darling of many Brazilians, why is that? For a simple reason: it is a digital bank, you need to prove income, the only requirement, not to have a dirty name.

Second very good approval option is Banco Inter, yes my dears, another bank that stands out, especially if you are an UBER, as recently the financial standard announced a partnership with the giant. Here's the tip!

The third major card approval option is: Caixa Simples Card.

This last credit card option is more for retirees, INSS pensioners and civil servants. Undoubtedly one of the best options, as it has many advantages and partnerships with stores and businesses.

And it doesn't stop there guys, of course there are more card options with easy approval, for you to read and learn more, click here and check other credit card possibilities.

Good luck!


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