Alcolumbre says Brazil needs serious leadership 03/25/2020

Senator said that Bolsonaro's speech on TV was serious after the president asked people to return to normality even with the coronavirus pandemic.

O Senador Davi Alcolumbre, presidente do Congresso Nacional, divulgou uma nota na noite desta terça-feira (24) após o pronunciamento do presidente Jair Bolsonaro, na qual pediu a população para voltar a normalidade em meio o surto de coronavírus que só cresce no país.  Já são 46 mortos e 2201 pessoas infectadas.

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Alcolumbre said that Bolsonaro's speech was "serious" and that Brazil needs "serious leadership".

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Alcolumbre diz que Brasil precisa de liderança séria 25/03/2020

Bolsonaro in his speech on national television in which he called for the end of “mass confinement”. And he also stated that the media spread “fear” among the population.

“At this serious moment, the country needs serious leadership, responsible and committed to the life and health of its population. We consider the position expressed by the President of the Republic today, on a national network, of attacking Covid-19 containment measures to be serious,” said Alcolumbre.

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According to the president of Congress, the current moment is also not to attack the press and public managers. Alcolumbre also stressed that “unity, serenity and balance” are needed.

“The nation expects from the leader of the Executive, more than ever, transparency, seriousness and responsibility. Congress will remain active and attentive to collaborate in whatever is necessary to overcome this crisis,” he said.

During Bolsonaro's speech on television, pots were heard in several cities in some states. As in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Federal District, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Ceará, Pernambuco Alagoas.

coronavirus data

According to the Ministry of Health, until this Tuesday, 46 deaths due to Covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, have already been registered in Brazil. The Ministry of Health announced that there are so far 2,200 confirmed cases.

The ministry said it will not comment on Bolsonaro's speech.

The estimate of the World Health Organization (WHO) is that worldwide there are more than 375 thousand cases of infection by the coronavirus, with 16.3 confirmed deaths, in 195 countries.

For more information, visit here.

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