Advertisement of medicine by Marcos Pontes generated distrust among doctors

Yesterday we reported here the announcement by Marcos Pontes, in which he stated that a medicine with 94% of efficacy would have been discovered by doctors in Campinas São Paulo, but is this really true?

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Our Digital Seguro team was even excited about the news, and many of our readers consequently, however, this announcement was not very well received by the medical community in Brazil.

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Next, we will talk a little better about what is really being researched, and if, in fact, we can put confidence in this new drug, which, by all indications, will be tested on at least 500 patients who have the new coronavirus. .

Anúncio de remédio por Marcos Pontes gerou desconfiança entre médicos

Marcos Pontes and the possible cure of the new coronavirus

Give and take, "we found the curra, that is, it's ready", as the journalist from Folha de São Paulo, Camila Mattoso, put it in her daily column this last Thursday, April 16th.

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It was not viewed favorably by the medical community in Brazil or by politicians, both from the opposition and from the government itself.

The big question that remains is: Bolsonaro has been constantly advertising chloroquine for at least 40 days, and would he not be aware of this possible medicine that his “minister employee” would have by now?

Since there is a possible cure, why are they making such a mystery to reveal the name?

It is evident that we all want society to return to its state of normality, as we already know it, squares with concerts, theater, cinema, everything working. There's no reason to want chaos.

Chloroquine will be released as a possible cure

But people, is it really? Well, dear Digital readers. This week, the Federal Council of Medicine said it will take a position this Thursday (16) on the use of chloroquine for patients with coronavirus.

Everything indicates that the tendency is to release the medicine on a case-by-case basis, but to say that there is no scientific proof of the effectiveness of this new drug.

So, we just have to wait, right?

Source: Newspaper

Mortos por coronavírus triplicam no Equador, sistema de saúde entra em crise

Deaths from coronavirus triple in Ecuador, health system goes into crisis

Is the drug Nitazoxanide effective against the coronavirus?