'Amor de Mãe' actor Filipe Duarte dies aged 46

Actor Fellipe Duarte was doing a wonderful job on the biggest television station in Brazil, but as everything in life is unpredictable, including death, isn't it? Unfortunately, we were once again taken by surprise.

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recently the Globe had already stopped as gravações de sua mais nova aposta “Amor de Mãe”. Que conta a história de Lurdes, Thelma e Vitória,  mulheres que exercem a maternidade em toda sua plenitude, cada uma à sua maneira. Apesar de viverem em realidades diferentes, com trajetórias distintas, elas descobrem um elo que liga suas vidas para sempre.

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With the crisis of the new coronavirus, not only was the soap opera given a break, but also all other programming on Rede Globo that caused crowds.

But we made a brief summary of the life of the actor who left us.

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Ator de ‘Amor de Mãe’, Filipe Duarte, morre aos 46 anos

 Filipe Duarte, was a Portuguese actor.

He died at the age of 46, this Friday, the 17th, he was the victim of a cardiac arrest. He was part of the cast of the telenovela Mother's love ( que teve início em Setembro de 2019), da Rede Globo,  ele interpretava o personagem Gabo, que teve um relacionamento com Thelma (vivida por Adriana Esteves).

How did this news come about? According to the G1 portal, the death information was released by the Portuguese channel SIC, which shows the serial in the European country.

Duare was born in Angola and naturalized Portuguese, he graduated from the Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. There, he made a career in soap operas and cinema, where he won the Golden Globe Portugal for the film The Invisible Life, in 2015.

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