MC Dumel from Bahia dies at age 28 with coronavirus in Salvador

The funk singer Diego Albert Silveira Santos, is growing in the world of funk, he was better known as MC Dumel, 28 years old. According to information from Sesab, he is already the 35th person to die from Covid-19 in Bahia.

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Many Bahians did not believe it, but the information was confirmed by the artist's advisory and by the Bahia State Health Department (Sesab) on Thursday night (16).

MCDumel baiano morre aos 28 anos com coronavírus em Salvador

Deaths from coronavirus in Bahia

The funk singer lived in Lauro de Freitas, in the metropolitan region of Salvador, and was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Hospital Couto Maia, in Salvador. According to the artist's advice, he was diagnosed with Covid-19 last Sunday (12).

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MC Dumel, in the beginning, the artist was admitted to the Menandro de Farias Hospital, in Lauro de Freitas, in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador. After testing positive for Covid-19, he was immediately taken to Couto Maia.

The singer's family is still in shock

According to news also released by G1, on Wednesday (April 15), the singer's wife also tested positive for the new coronavirus. She is admitted to the same hospital where her husband was, however, what is known is the condition is stable.

The advisory reported that the funk artist and his wife traveled to Rio de Janeiro for work, and arrived with flu symptoms and high fever for five days, but chose to stay at home.

Then the situation became more serious, and the singer began to experience severe shortness of breath and a high fever, MC Dumel was taken to the HGMF and after screening he was immediately put in isolation. On Friday morning, he was transferred to ICU.

Fans mourned his death on social media.

MC Dumel had more than 103k followers on Instagram who deeply regretted it. In addition to his wife, he leaves a four-year-old son. There are no details about his wake and burial.

Tough times, stay home!

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