Bolsa Família 2021: Get to know the Program, and check the Benefit!

You've probably heard about the Bolsa Família 2021 program, or even know someone who is a beneficiary of this project that helps more than 13 million families to overcome poverty and extreme poverty.

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In this sense, today we will talk about the program, how to register and how to consult the benefit. Know that in this pandemic period, it is possible to consult Bolsa Família without leaving home, through a cell phone.

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About Bolsa Família 

O Bolsa Familia program, is a project of Federal government, which aims to transfer direct income to families living in poverty or extreme poverty.

O Bolsa Familia program was founded in 2003, in the beginning of the Lula government, Since then, this benefit has reached millions of Brazilians.

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The program aims to combat hunger, together promoting food security and nutrition, combating poverty and other forms of deprivation of fundamental rights, promoting access to public services, mainly in terms of education, social assistance and health.

Participation Criteria Program

To join the program Family Scholarship, the family needs to be in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty, have registration in the Single Registry (CadÚnico), have monthly income of up to R$ 89.00 reais per person (in the case of a family in extreme poverty), or have an income between R$ 90 and R$ 178.00 per person (in case of poverty). Families should also have in their composition, children or teenagers from 0 to 17 years old.

Registration in Bolsa Familia

To register on Bolsa Familia program, look for the responsible sector in your municipality, depending on the city or region, this responsibility may be in charge of the CRAS – Reference Center for Social Assistance, or just the Municipal Social Assistance, in which you reside.

After looking for the responsible sector, they will create your registration in the CadUnique, it is worth mentioning that your registration must be updated, or created in the last two years. through the CadUnique, you can check whether you and your family have been approved to receive the Bolsa Família benefit.  

Check your Bolsa Família balance

For the citizen who is already a beneficiary of Bolsa Família Program, there is an option to track balance and benefit statement, also being possible to query when it will be deposited by the Federal Government, (you can see the dates for the entire year, inclusive), payments follow the last number of the NIS, according to the Federal Savings Bank.

Family Scholarship 2021

There are two consultation possibilities, one of them is in person, going to a Caixa agency, (however, due to the pandemic, this option is not recommended). The other consultation option (recommended) is to access directly through the Bolsa Família and Caixa Econômica Federal website applications.

To make your query, have your basic data at hand (CPF and NIS).


To register for the program, look for the CRAS closest to you, to consult Bolsa Família, visit the Bolsa Familia website. Cashier, or download the Bolsa Família App, there is a step by step tutorial on how to query and access the app here.

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