Bolsonaro “fools” the press and publishes an unprecedented video practicing shooting

Every day the press is waiting for President Bolsonaro to act in order to attack him, at least that's what he thinks and has always declared when criticizing the journalistic environment.

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This morning, he left the Alvorada Palace earlier than usual on Tuesday (28) and went to an appointment that was not foreseen in the official agenda.

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He left the official residence around 7:35 am. As usual, he greeted his supporters but avoided talking to the press. The chief, however, did not immediately arrive at the Planalto Palace, where he dispatches for routine activities.

Still in the morning, to the surprise of many, he published a video on his social networks in which he appears next to a shooting target.


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Bolsonaro "engana" imprensa e publica vídeo inédito praticando tiro

Bolsonaro disappeared, did not warn “anyone”.

Not even the Special Secretariat for Communication of the Presidency (Secom) did not know how to inform the whereabouts of the representative and also has not yet confirmed whether the images in the video are from today, nor has it informed the place where they were taken, but shortly after posting the video, the president arrived to the Plateau.

In the morning, at 10 am, the president had a scheduled meeting with the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, and the Special Secretary for Privatization and Divestment, Salim Mattar. In the afternoon, Bolsonaro receives the summit of ministers in Planalto for a meeting of the Government Council.

The meeting featured the new Minister of Justice, André Mendonça, who leaves the Office of the Attorney General of the Union to replace Sérgio Moro.

how we talk in this matter here, the nomination was published this morning in the Official Gazette of the Union, which also mentions the appointment of Federal Police Chief Alexandre Ramagem for the position of General Director of the Federal Police.

The president's disappearance occurred after a day of important court decisions that profoundly affect his temporary government.

Problems are coming: Yesterday, Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Celso de Mello decided to authorize the opening of an inquiry to investigate the statements made by former Minister of Justice Sérgio Moro against President Bolsonaro.

Anyway, what did you think? Leave your comment and share, because then you will help our work!

Source: Portal Estado de Minas

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