Lyrid Meteor Shower this Wednesday, see what happened

Who of you Digital Seguro readers has already seen a meteor shower, maybe if you live in the northeast, you certainly had the privilege of having seen this beauty of nature, but between us, 2020 has been a year with many unusual things, isn't it? true?

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Estamos falando isso porque de fato nós estamos vivenciando muitos acontecimentos em poucos meses, não bastava o coronavírus, que veio para mudar todas as nossas estruturas,  outras crises também estamos tendo que enfrentar como o desemprego em massa.

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Hotels, Restaurants, Pubs, all closed indefinitely. And we don't know when this will stop, but we have good news to pass on today that goes beyond covid-19.

This is the meteor shower that happened in the early hours of this Wednesday, April 22, 2020.

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Scientists say this is the first meteor shower

We spent the early hours of this Tuesday (21) to Wednesday (22) following the first intense meteor shower in the Southern Hemisphere in 2020.

Foi um verdadeiro  show de luzes ficando por conta dos meteoros Lirídeos, que são produto da poeira cósmica deixada pelo cometa C/1861 G1 Thatcher em sua trajetória ao redor do Sol.

Researchers say it is common between April 16th and 25th, the rain occurs every year and is the oldest ever documented by humanity —

There are 2,500-year-old Chinese texts that make reference to the phenomenon. Its name is related to the constellation Lyra, which is its radiant, that is, the point in the sky where the observer can visualize the beginning of the meteor shower.

Mystics say the event is about renewing energy on earth.

Thousands of people visualized the phenomenon in Brazil — even without using specific instruments for observing the sky. To have a good view, the tip is to be somewhere with little light.

There are excellent online tools that can also help the astronomy lover to "locate" in Space.
Among them we can mention UFRGS planipher. Another option is to use an app that maps the sky, such as Sky Map, Sky Safari 5, Star Walk 2 and Heavens-Above.
Por fim, nós devemos dizer que é necessário  ter paciência é essencial. Seus olhos podem levar cerca de 20 minutos para se ajustar à falta de luminosidade — e pode demorar um pouquinho mais até você
identificar a chuva de meteoros no céu.  E mesmo  assim, nós garantimos: vale a pena, pois muitos de nossa equipe conseguiu ver essa maravilha da natura!
So, did you take any photos of the event? Leave your comment

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