Know what to do at home if you suspect you have coronavirus

When the world learned about the new coronavirus, no one expected it to be capable of profoundly shaking the economy of all countries, but it already had an idea of its danger.

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But why hasn't an effective cure for the coronavirus been found so far? Since its emergence was in December?

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It is not known yet, as it is not a virus transformed from another that exists, however, a new virus of really strange origin in China, which consequently is not the first time that a potentially dangerous virus has emerged from there.

Today we have gathered some information that will certainly be relevant for you to pass on to those people who are not aware of the main symptoms that the coronavirus causes in our body.

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What to do if I have these symptoms of the Coronavirus?

First and foremost, you need to look into your immune system before you even experience any symptoms. And for that there are several concrete attitudes that you can start to do, such as taking vitamin D, Omega 3, tea, drinking plenty of water. Physical exercises at home, etc…

The symptoms are very varied, but the drawing above represents the main ones that occur with everyone who catches the coronavirus.

Every person with fever and respiratory symptoms such as a runny nose, cough and shortness of breath is a potential suspected case of Covid-19, the disease caused by this infectious agent. Before that, the definition was only valid for people who traveled or had contact with infected patients.

Therefore, should anyone with a similar condition go to the hospital?

The guidance of health professionals is that: in case of suspicion, stay at home for 14 days and only look for a hospital if the problem gets worse.

The WHO also indicates home isolation for 14 days from the other residents of the residence.

But you must be prudent, and during this period, you must be aware of the evolution of the condition. “Mild symptoms, such as a cough and runny nose that last for several days, are not worrisome.

However, until further notice, if there is persistent high fever and if the cough is accompanied by respiratory discomfort, seek immediate medical attention”, recommends Marcelo Mimica, infectologist at Fleury Medicina e Saúde.

The message goes double for risk groups, that is, people over 60, smokers, those with breathing problems, and so on.

For more information, visit the official website of the Ministry of Health.

Source: April Health 

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