How to consult Bolsa Família by CPF

If you are in doubt about how to consult the Bolsa Família benefit, know that it is possible to carry out the query through your CPF, in case you don't know how to carry out the consultation, or even don't know how to register to request the benefit, the step by step is also very simple.

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Therefore, today we will explain, how consult Bolsa Familia, how to register, and how much per capita income needs to be in order for you to be eligible to apply for participation in the program. 

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About Bolsa Família

According to the description of the program on the Caixa Econômica Federal website, the Family Scholarship, is a social program, with the objective of helping needy families in poverty or extreme poverty, the basic methodology is the direct transfer of income from the State, to these families, participants of the program. In this way, the program makes an attempt for families to be able to overcome and survive the situation of vulnerability and poverty.

How to register for Bolsa Familia

To join the program Family Scholarship, you need to look for the CRAS - Social Assistance Reference Center, closest to you, this sector is responsible for registering in the Bolsa Familia program, there is usually this responsible sector in every Brazilian municipality.

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It is necessary to present identification documentation for inclusion in the Single Registry of Social Programs, better known as “CadUnique”. According to the citizenship secretariat, registration must be done by a responsible family member, be over 16 years old, and preferably, be woman.

Family Scholarship 2021

THE family selection it is carried out by the ministry of citizenship, according to the data registered by the city halls and CRAS, of the respective city halls. The selection is made monthly, and the criteria are the composition of each family and the income of each member of the family.

If your family is approved to participate in the program and receive the benefit, you start receiving monthly, an amount in line with your family's financial budget.

How to consult Bolsa Familia

to consult your Family Scholarship, it's simple, just know your CPF:

  1. Enter the Caixa website;
  2. Click on the option (Consult Benefits by family);
  3. A new screen will open in your browser, enter the CPF and NIS of the person responsible who is registered in the request;
  4. Click Consult;
  5. The full name of the person responsible must appear in the sequence;
  6. Make the name selection;
  7. On the next page, you will have access to the estimated amounts, as well as the amounts that have already been redeemed.

Income limit to be able to receive the Bbenefit

In order to participate in the program and receive the benefit, there are two income possibilities, which you must not exceed, in the first, the total sum of the family's remuneration must be a maximum of R$267.00, that is R$89 reais per family member. In the second option, the family can have a maximum of R$178 reais per family member. It is worth noting that families must have children between the ages of 0 and 17 in their composition.


Got questions? Want more information? You can contact Caixa by site, you can also contact the CRAS, closest to you. 

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