Buy Cars from the Box Auction

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Are you thinking about buy a car, but doesn't have the full total of the value or even an entry value to buy the vehicle on sight or financed? Well, know that there is a valid option to conquer your so dreamed car, it is the Caixa Econômica Federal car auction.

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Many people think that in auctions, you can only find old, broken, crashed or in bad condition cars. This information can be considered a urban legend, therefore, many of cars offered at auction, are Vehicles well maintained and in excellent condition, however, their owners were either unable to pay the installments of a financing, or else, took many fines and lost their car.

Obviously, there are also cars in poor condition, these cars become interesting for mechanic shop owners, for the use of parts, for example.

In both cases, it is quite common for the citizen to be able to make Good Business, it is enough, however, that you manage to take a good look, and define which type of car, model and quality is of interest, before the auction

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About Caixa Econômica Federal

An important part of the process of participate in an auction, is to know well the institution you want to work with, avoid fraud, and only participate in serious and accredited institutions.

THE Federal Savings Bank, it is a Bank, extremely well-known in Brazil, is a financial institution, as a public company, it has its own assets and administrative autonomy, founded in 1861 by Don Pedro ll.

THE Cashier as it is popularly known, has thousands of agencies spread throughout the national territory, acting in several segments, including car auction.  

Box Car Auction

In this sense, currently, the Federal Savings Bank, opens several auctions during the year, in these Caixa auctions, are offered real estate, cars and motorcycles, as a rule, the Cashier works with companies and partner auction houses of the institution. Therefore, these companies gain credentials and the right to organize and produce these auctions

car auction

To stay inside, and find out when these auctions will start, and how to register, you should pay attention to the website of Federal Savings Bank, and the websites of partner companies as well. A good way to stay informed are the TV, radio and internet news, too. 

Participating in the Caixa Car Auction

As we mentioned above, the Caixa auctions, are organized by partner companies. In this way, you can participate in the auctions, you must register on the websites of the auction houses, there, you will have access to a whole car catalog available for buy at auction.  

It's worth mentioning, that it's important, you take a good look at the specs of the car in the catalog, see if there are fines in the documentation, if there are dents, etc.

It is essential that you have a sum of money as well, as you will have to bid well on the desired car, and many auctioneers can charge about 30% from bid amount, as a commission. So be aware of these details as well.


For more information, or in case of doubt, contact the website of Federal Savings Bank.

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