Former Deputy Governor of Pará, Gerson Peres, dies of Coronavirus

Still don't believe in the deaths caused by the new coronavirus? So get ready, many people who don't care about the current health crisis are starting to change their thoughts.

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In addition to being a politician, he was also a journalist, he was hospitalized with a positive diagnosis for the new coronavirus since April 13. He was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

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We didn't want to report this, but unfortunately the former deputy and also former vice governor, Gerson Peres died this Tuesday morning (21), in Belém. He was 88 years old and admitted to a private hospital in Belém with symptoms of Covid-19.


Ex-vice governador do Pará, Gerson Peres, morre por Coronavírus

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Deaths from the coronavirus of the former governor of Pará

The politician was hospitalized with a positive diagnosis for the new coronavirus since April 13. He was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

As disclosed by the press, Gerson was born in Cametá, in the interior of Pará and graduated in law from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). His political career began in 1958 when he was elected state deputy.

We also know that Gerson was also indirectly elected deputy governor of Pará on the ticket of Alacid Nunes. Then he was a federal deputy exercising his last term in 2006. Currently, he was regional director of Senai in Pará.

Official Mourning was declared in Belém

In an official note to the Pará press, Senai lamented the loss and emphasized that the former Governor, Peres “leaves an important legacy of contribution to the productive sector and professional education in that country, causes defended with great commitment in his fights in the public life and ahead of SENAI Pará, for almost 60 years”.

The Government of Pará also issued a note of deep regret, no one expected this to happen, in addition to decreeing three days of official mourning in Pará. “Gerson leaves a great legacy for his work in public life, being one of the most active politicians in several decades”.

What MPs Said

Councilman Mauro Freitas, mayor of Belém, also mourned Peres' death and declared three days of official mourning.

“The lawyer, journalist, state and federal deputy, as well as deputy governor of Pará, left us a legacy in Pará politics. We express our condolences to the family and friends of Gerson Peres”.

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Source: Secretary of Health Pará

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