Google shows that movement on the streets and in commerce has increased in Brazil

According to Google, in Brazil, the number of people on the streets has increased and people are increasingly crowding shopping centers.

This Friday (10), Google published an updated report on the movement of people in Brazil during this period of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Research shows how Covid-19 is affecting circulation in more than 130 countries. The study reports an increase in workplace services, visits to parks, subway and bus stations.

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Research Data

In the last survey carried out on March 29, there was growth in the movement in the five categories of the survey.

The numbers below show the percentage reduction in movement:

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  • “recreation” (cafes, restaurants and museums, for example) changed from 71% to 67%;
  • “parks”, (besides beaches) changed from 70% to 66%;
  • “grocery stores and pharmacies”, increased from 35% to 24%;
  • “public transport stations”, changed from 62% to 57%;
  • “workplaces”, changed from 34% to 30%

isolation fell

In Foco, a technology company that collects app data, also carried out a survey that indicates the reduction of social isolation in Brazil.

The data collected in the reports is from Android phones with the “Location History” feature enabled. The company said it had taken security measures to ensure that no individual could be identified through the withdrawals.

This increase in movements on the streets occurs at a time when Brazil continues to have a significant increase in records of cases of the new coronavirus. At the moment there are already a thousand confirmed deaths.

The government

The government is already studying the possibility of using data from cell phone operators to monitor people's movements. For now, the mayors increase the quarantine deadlines.

In São Paulo, the governor, João Doria, for example, promised tougher measures if the isolation index does not reach 60% in the coming days.

access for all

The information from the different countries analyzed can be accessed by the public.

Google said it published all reports to avoid any kind of confusion about the data it provided to authorities. Declaration came in the face of the worldwide debate that has arisen about the balance between privacy protection and the need to prevent the spread of the virus.

“These reports were developed to help comply with our strict privacy policies and protocols,” said Karen DeSalvo, vice president of health at Google Health and Jen Fitzpatrick, senior vice president at Google Geo.

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