Italy surpasses 26,000 confirmed coronavirus deaths

No one is happy with the deaths from the new coronavirus, which, in fact, has become the biggest nightmare of all governments in recent years. Angela Merkel, Germany's powerful leader said this is the biggest challenge since the second world war.

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However, we need to be honest and understand that Italy is paying the price of its mockery and disdain when the pandemic began in the country, but why talk about it now?

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Because it is important, not only important but necessary, in Brazil, we are experiencing the same thing, there are states that have restrictive measures for the movement of people, there are other states that do not, when in fact, everyone should look to the countries as an example.

Itália ultrapassa 26 mil mortes confirmadas por coronavírus

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What was the result of Spain when it repeated the same attitudes as Italy? Coronavirus deaths on a large scale, we need to create greater awareness of social responsibility.

Italy reached 26,384 deaths from coronavirus

In the last 24 hours, 415 new deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours, their lowest number since March 17, according to information released this Saturday (25) by the Italian authorities.

The picture is still worrying, the current number of patients is 105,847 people, which means that there are 680 fewer positive cases in the country, according to the Italian Civil Defense.

However, to the country's concern, in the last 24 hours alone, 2,357 new cases of the new coronavirus were registered, the lowest number since April 21, reinforcing the idea that Italy continues to control the transmission curve of the virus.

Furthermore, we have good news worth saying: 2,622 more patients were discharged and the number of people admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs) decreased, with 71 fewer than yesterday.

Care must be redoubled.

Even with the considerable drop, it is valid to say that the confinement did not prevent many from celebrating the national holiday from their balconies and windows, where they went out with Italian flags to sing the traditional party anthem 'Bella Ciao', a gesture with which they wanted to demonstrate unity.

Source: Portal R7

The world already records more than 2.9 million cases of the Coronavirus.

Germany is at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, says Angela Merkel