FGTS withdrawal calendar released

Measure adopted by the federal government and the Ministry of Economy in previous years, it is resumed for the year 2021🇧🇷 According to the Minister of Economy, the measure aims to inject money into the economy, rotating the national GDP, and also helping the Brazilian citizen to go through the crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic. In this way, the government released withdraw part of the FGTS.

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With that in mind, today we bring you the withdrawal calendar, made available by Federal Savings Bank, as well as which values which may be withdrawn from the bottom of the FGTS🇧🇷 See below.

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FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal Calendar

As a criterion and sequence mode for the FGTS withdrawal, a Federal Savings Bank, adopted the measure of distributing according to the birthday of each working citizen, (who has a balance in the FGTS).

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BirthdayDate for Withdrawal
JanuaryBetween January to March 31
FebruaryBetween February to April 30
MarchFrom March to May 31
AprilBetween April to June 31
MayFrom May to July 30th
JuneBetween June to August 31
JulyFrom July to September 30th
AugustFrom August to October 29
SeptemberFrom September to November 30
OctoberFrom October to December 31
NovemberBetween November 2021 to January 31, 2022
DecemberBetween December 2021 to February 28, 2022
Source: Caixa Econômica Federal

As seen above, the worker will not necessarily be paid on the exact day of his birthday, this happens as a way of not gatherings at agencies Cashier, as well as giving the bank time to plan for the periodic withdrawals.

What is the FGTS Withdrawal Value?

A track was created withdrawal amounts of FGTS, In this way, each working citizen will receive a percentage according to balance that have on the account of FGTS.

FGTS balance (R$)% of WithdrawalAdditional Installment
Up to R$50050%
R$ 500.01 to R$ 1,00040%R$ 50
R$ 1,000.01 to R$ 5,00030%R$ 150
R$ 5,000.01 to R$ 10,00020%R$ 650
R$ 10,000.01 to R$ 15,00015%R$ 1,150
R$ 15,000.01 to R$ 20,00010%R$ 1,900
Above R$ 20,000.015%R$ 2,900
Source: Caixa Econômica Federal

In this way, the citizen who has R$ 30,000.00 reais in account from the guarantee fund, you can withdraw 5% of this amount, that is, R$ 1,500 reais, plus an additional portion of R$ 2,900 reais, withdrawing a total of R$ 4,400 reais.

How to receive the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal?

That birthday withdrawal benefit of FGTS, is optional, therefore, it is necessary for the citizen to indicate that he wants to withdraw the respective balance from the FGTS🇧🇷 It is worth mentioning that the citizen you can choose to withdraw until the last day of your birth month.

Guarantee fund withdrawal calendar

The worker can indicate the option, by internet banking (if you are a Caixa account holder), at FGTS App, or by Caixa Econômica Federal website.


For more information, or to choose the FGTS birthday withdrawal, access the FGTS application, or visit the website of Federal Savings Bank.

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