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  • Pandemic: AGU Analyzes Unions To Fight Salary Cut

    Yesterday (10th), the Federal Supreme Court (STF) received an appeal from the AGU (Advocacy-General of the Union) with the aim of withdrawing the action of the unions from the individual negotiations, developed between the company and the worker, to withdraw the salary or even even suspend contracts in the pandemic. In this sense, the injunction of the STF minister […] More

  • Caixa anuncia 6 meses de carência para financiamento imobiliário

    Caixa announces 6-month grace period for real estate financing

    For those looking to take out real estate financing, perhaps this period of global health crisis is an opportunity, as many banks are reviewing their policies and their posture in the face of the crisis. We had already spoken here before about the new measures that large banks in the country were taking, including Banco Bradesco, Banco Santander and […] More

  • Cartão de Crédito para negativado no Serasa ainda é possível ?

    Is Credit Card for Negative Serasa still possible?

    Getting a negative credit card from credit protection bodies is always a difficult task, especially in the period we are living in relation to the new pandemic. Everyone talks about the coronavirus, and there's no way not to talk about it, because it's a problem that has directly impacted the world economy. But before […] More

  • See how to order the new Itaú credit card online 10-04-2020

    In this article, we have selected some basic and super useful information on how you can apply for your Itaú credit card without leaving your home. Every day, the major financial institutions in Brazil have been bringing new practical ways to make life easier for their clients when processing a new […] More

  • Suspensão de cadastro negativo é aprovado durante pandemia

    Suspension of negative registration is approved during pandemic 09-04-2020

    Chamber approves the suspension of negative registration. The measure will be valid for a period of 90 days. The measure will still be evaluated by the Senate. This Thursday (9), the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill that guarantees suspension for 90 days of the inclusion of new subscribers in credit protection services such as Serasa […] More

  • Pela primeira vez em duas semanas dólar fecha abaixo de R$ 5,10

    Dollar closes below R$ 5.10 for the first time in two weeks

    Dollar has the lowest quotation since the end of March and the stock market, despite falling after three straight rises, ended accumulating a high of 12% in the week. This Thursday (9), the commercial dollar closed down by 1.02%, to R$ 5.091 on sale. That was the lowest closing value in nearly two weeks since the 26th of […] More

  • Ibovespa has surprising growth of 3% in times of crisis

    For those who thought that the Ibovespa would continue to fall, there was a surprise this week that the stock exchanges in Brazil have been operating at a great rise, which is very good for the country that has been rising to trunks and gullies from the biggest health crisis in recent years. times. According to official information and […] More

  • Entrega das declarações de Espólio foram adiadas pela Receita

    Delivery of the Estate declarations were postponed by the Revenue

    Estate declarations had deliveries postponed due to the advance of the coronavirus pandemic. Revenue established June 30 as the new date. It was published yesterday, Tuesday (7), by the Federal Revenue, the advance of the deadline for delivery of the Final Declaration of Estate and the Declaration of Definitive Departure from the Country. The new deadline was modified to […] More

  • Banco Central está preparado para atuar mais no câmbio 08-04-2020

    Central Bank is prepared to act more in the exchange rate 08-04-2020

    According to Carlos Neto, the Central Bank has a large arsenal and is ready to perform more in the foreign exchange market. This Wednesday (8), through an internet transmission made by the Credit Suisse bank, the president of the Central Bank (BC), Roberto Campos Neto, said that the BC is ready to […] More

  • Bovespa encerra dia em alta subindo mais de 3% 07-04-2020

    Bovespa ends the day on a high rising more than 3% 07-04-2020

    Faced with better expectations about the pandemic, Bovespa closes high and reaches 76,358 points. Dollar ends the day at R$ 5.22. This Tuesday (7th), the Bovespa closed higher for the second consecutive day. The main stock exchange index in Brazil ended the day with 3.08%, at 76,358.09 points. Today came to […] More

  • Internet Sales And Pharmacy Items Soar In Sales Due To Coronavirus

    The covid-19 pandemic arrived in Brazil, according to information until last night, March 23, there are at least 904 infected and 11 dead here in Brazil. As a way to maintain control, the government adhered to social isolation, and internet sales increased. At first, social isolation […] More

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