BEm: Government will pay Worker Salaries

In 2020, due to the pandemic caused by covid-19, the federal government opened a new program as a way to prevention and protection of employment of Brazilian citizens🇧🇷 the program of Preservation of Employment and Income - BEm, which allows the reduction and suspension of the employment contract, protected millions of Brazilians from unemployment.

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With the turn of the year, it was expected that the pandemic would decrease, which did not happen, on the contrary, every day, it claims more victims. Therefore, the government edited MP 1045, and extended the program for that year. In this way, the company can reduce working hours by 25%, 50% and 70% of working hours, there is also the option of suspension of the employment contract.

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In all the cases mentioned above, the government will pay partial or full wages, based on the calculation of unemployment insurance.

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With that in mind, today we bring you new information about this extension of the preservation of employment and income – BEm, as well as how this extension of the program will work.

Workday Reduction - Well

The reduction of working hours must be through a collective agreement or collective agreement, in addition, negotiations must involve labor unions. MP 1,045 provides for the reduction in 25%, 50% or 70% of working hours.

  • In the option where the reduction will be 25%, the company will pay 75% from salary, and the federal government will pay 25% from salary;
  • In the alternative of reducing 50%, the company pays 50% of the salary amount, and the government will pay 50% of the remuneration;
  • Choosing the reduction option, from 70% of the working day, the company pays 30% of the remuneration, and the federal government pays 70% of the Brazilian worker's salary.

In all cases, the calculation for salary payment will be based on the unemployment insurance amount🇧🇷 Initially, this measure may be chosen for up to 120 days (4 months).

Suspension of the Employment Contract -Well

The suspension of the employment contract, as well as the reduction, can also be through collective agreement or collective agreement, and negotiations must also have the labor union involved. MP 1045 provides that:

  • Companies with gross revenue less than 4.8 million, may suspend the contract at 100% of the value; in this case the government will pay 100% of the salary, according to the unemployment insurance calculation;
BEm – Government Salary
  • Companies with gross revenue bigger then 4.8 million, may suspend the contract at 70% of the value; in this case, the government would pay 70% of the salary according to the unemployment insurance calculation, and the employing company would pay 30% of the employee's salary.

In all cases, the company may choose to suspend the employment contract for up to 4 months (120 days).


For more information, or if you have any questions, visit the Federal Savings Bank, or the federal government website for the preservation of employment and income. If you want to join the program, contact your employer and request membership.


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