Voting on the project for basic income during a pandemic is postponed in the Senate 03/31/2020

Senate postpones vote on a project that guarantees basic income for Brazilians in a situation of social vulnerability during the coronavirus pandemic.

It was postponed until tomorrow, April 1, the vote on the bill that guarantees the Basic Income of Emergency Citizenship, for people in a situation of greater vulnerability due to the pandemic of coronavirus that has been growing in Brazil. The advance decision was taken after a virtual meeting of party leaders.

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This Tuesday, the remote deliberative session will also vote on four other projects that bring measures to combat covid-19.

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The project on the waiver of absence justification for quarantine will be voted on; the project dealing with telemedicine; financial aid to hospitals. And what suspends for 120 days the obligation to maintain the quantitative and qualitative goals signed by health service providers within the Unified Health System (SUS).

Basic Income Project

The basic income project determines that beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família program will receive an extra special benefit per person. It will be at least R$ 300.00 per month. Lasting six months that are possible to be extended as long as the pandemic lasts. The project is the only item on the agenda for the remote deliberative session this Tuesday afternoon.

People who do not participate in Bolsa Família will also have access to the benefit. They just need to be listed in the Single Registry of Social Programs (CadÚnico). According to the project, these people and all their dependents will also be able to receive the benefit. That will be in the same amount and will have the same duration, as long as they have a lower per capita income and three minimum wages.

Per family, the maximum amount to be received will be R$ 1,500.00, an amount that can be increased by the Executive Branch. Beneficiaries will receive the amounts in an account registered with Caixa Econômica Federal. To fund the benefit, the project authorizes the Executive Branch to open extraordinary credit during the duration of the public calamity situation.

The project establishes that some concessions that are conditions provided for in the Bolsa Família Law will be suspended during the pandemic period, such as the enrollment and maintenance of children and adolescents in school and the vaccination of children up to seven years old.

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