Free Driver's License: Request Yours!

It needs get your license, to get the dream job, or even to position yourself better in the job market, however, you have no money, to conquer your Driver's license? Know that there is a government program called "CNH Social”, through this program, it is possible to conquer your Driver's license, without paying anything for it.

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With that in mind, today we will present the program, how it works, and how you can request your National driving license.

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Getting to know CNH Social

The project called CNH Social, is a program, created by the federal government in the last decade, as a way to help the needy population, to obtain get your driver's license, the project at the time was approved in the Chamber of Deputies by the Committee on Roads and Transport.

At the time, it was defined that the states of the Union would be responsible for bearing the costs. However, each state along with its respective DMV, could choose to receive and to be part of the CNH Social program, or not.

Criteria for Participating in the CNH Social program    

the program of Free Driver's License, is aimed at the low-income population, therefore, it is natural that there are some basic criteria for the citizen to participate, and conquer the so dreamed qualification. See the criteria below:

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  1. Unemployed citizen;
  2. Public school students;
  3. People with special needs;
  4. Micro farmers;
  5. Families that already participate in some government program.

In addition to the criteria mentioned above, the family cannot have an income greater than 2 minimum wages, and be actively enrolled in the Single Registry (CadÚnico).

CNH Social Program

In this sense, in the program there are two options for participation, Qualified Student and Qualified Citizen, in these two modalities, students and adults who do not have a qualification can obtain the free driving license. In both cases, people aged 18 and over can apply.

Registration Free Driver's License 2021

For if register, it is necessary that the citizen, enter the Detran website for your respective state, or not Sest/Senat portal. When entering the respective websites, check the public notices, and see if it is open, or the forecast for opening new vacancies.

To locate yourself is very simple, just search for fields like “CNH Social” or “Popular CNH”, gather the necessary documents for registration, the website will inform you if you can register via the website, or if you need to attend a physical unit. 

Registration will vary according to each Brazilian state, depending on the state, you should look for the Detran or Sest/Senat.

States that Adhered to CNH Social

Although the program is of great importance at the national level, not all Brazilian states have joined the project, many states did not accept to participate, and in other states, the project is still being voted on.

The states that adhered to the project in full or in part are:
Bahia, Espírito Santo, Amazonas, Maranhão, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Distrito Federal, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Roraima and São Paulo.


In case of doubts, for more information, or to register, look for the DMV nearest you, or visit the website of SEST/SENAT.

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