How to apply for your free Driver's License

A driver's license can be a work tool, a way to support your family, or even just a means of transportation. However, for the poorest population in our country, it can be a difficult task to pay for the service and all procedures for get your driver's license, since it is currently considered an expensive procedure, in many states reaching over 2,000 reais.

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With that in mind, today we bring you 3 tips on how to get your driving license free, there will be 3 steps for you to conquer, your so dreamed driving license.

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How can I apply for a social driver's license

The social driver's license program is designed for three audiences:

  • Acquisition of the 1st CNH
  • Driver who will add a new category to his CNH
  • Citizen who is going to change category on his CNH

In this sense, it is worth mentioning that the program is aimed at the low-income population. Also remembering that although the program is authored by the federal government, the states have autonomy to join the initiative or not, some states have already joined the program, and many states are voting on the feasibility of acceptance.

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At first, the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Espirito Santo, Paraíba, Maranhão and Minas Gerais have already joined the program. To check whether your state has adhered to the project, consult a DMV closer to you.

What are the requested requests

However, for you to be able to apply and enter the program, there are certainly criteria: The citizen must be registered with CadÚnico, be between 18 and 27 years old, have the ability to read and write, have a family income of up to 2 minimum wages, and to be part of, to be included in some government social benefit. You can check the requests in full, on the federal government website or on the website of the DMV of their respective state of residence.

Necessary documents

Firstly, it is certain that, regardless of which Detran, the citizen apply for social license, it is correct to say that they will ask for some documents proving the need and inclusion in the program: RG and CPF; Proof of income; Birth certificate; proof of address; Workbook.

How to apply for a Social Driver's License

Afterwards, once all the documentation has been gathered, go to the agency closest to you or access the website of the DMV of your state.

(Bonus) Extension of the benefits of the Social CNH

In conclusion, this project is not intended to help only with the exemption of fees and other charges, but in fact, to help young Brazilians in the entirety of the process of obtaining a driver's license. Due to this, the citizen who is obtaining his first CNH will also receive help with psychological and medical examinations, adherence to the national CNH registry, theoretical classes, practical driving classes, learning license, and tests and practical tests.

In this sense, this project is great for the population that wants and needs to get their driver's license, as a means of providing for their family.

Do you have any questions or want more information about the program? See the DMV or Saves time of your State.

cnh social

How to Apply for a Free Driver's License.

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