CNH Social – Free Driver's License

need the Driver's license, whether to work, as a means of transportation, or to carry out the dreamed act of driving a car? Know that there is a social program, from the federal government, that allows you to obtain a free driver's license, completely free of charge.

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Thinking about it, today we brought information on how to apply, and how to participate in the program CNH Social, and conquer the dreamed driving license.

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About the CNH Social Program

The CNH Social program was created by the Federal Government in 2011 as a way to help low-income citizens to achieve the much-dreamed driver's license. Although the program belongs to the federal government, it was voted by the Chamber of Deputies, which would be up to the states to decide whether to be part of the program or not. The costs and charges are the responsibility of the states and their respective Detrans.

Is CNH Social Real?

Many people suspect that in Brazil there really is a program that guarantees the free driver license 100%, however, yes, there really is such a program, and you can check it on the official websites of the Brazilian government.

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CNH Social will vary according to the state in which you live, however, the project exists, and is even present, in several states of the national territory. 

How to Get a Free Driver's License

to take the free driver's license, you must apply to the Detran, or SEST/SENAT, depending on your state.

The whole process is very simple, entering the site, look for the fields “CNH Social”, “CNH Popular”, when you find it, check if you need to attend a unit in person, or if it is possible to do the procedure online. It is worth mentioning that it will be necessary to present some personal documents.

Who can participate in the program?  

In order to participate in the program CNH Social 2021, it is necessary to fulfill some requirements:

  1. Being without a job for more than 1 year;
  2. Be registered in CadÚnico;
  3. Does not have an income greater than 2 minimum wages;
  4. Having studied in public schools;
  5. Be over 18 years of age;
CNH Social

In addition, the program is understood, the small rural producers, ex-prisoners, participants in the Bolsa Família program.

Which states offer the CNH Social Program?

Several states of the Brazilian nation have joined the program, many others are still voting on the bill, while some have rejected the proposal. Check out states that have fully or partially adhered to the project: São Paulo; Holy Spirit; Amazonas, Bahia; Ceará Paraíba; Maranhão; Pernambuco; Rio Grande do Sul; Rio de Janeiro; Large northern river; Roraima; Minas Gerais; Goiás; Federal District.

What documentation is required?

To enroll, some basic documents are required, including: ID photo document or work card; CPF; Proof of address; Birth certificate and of all family members.


If you have questions, for more information, or to enroll in the program, check with the DMV or Poupatempo nearest you, depending on your state, contact the SEST/SENAT.

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