How to Apply for a Free Driver's License.

You are turning 18 years old, and you can't wait to apply for driver's license, and drive around? Or are you older and never took the driver's license, for lack of money or time? Know that there is a national program, where it is possible take the driver's license, completely free.

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In addition, for many people in the Brazilian population, paying for a CNH is very expensive, even more so with all the fees, exams, etc. With that in mind, today we bring you more explanations and a step by step on how you can conquer your free driving license.

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How to enroll in CNH social?

First, it is worth mentioning that this federal government program is accepted for three occasions:

  1. In the case of 1st qualification
  2. Citizen who will add a category on your driver's license
  3. Driver who will change categories

Although the program is a federal government project, not all DMV of the country joined the program, many states are still voting for acceptance for implementation, so far, some states that have joined the project are: Paraíba, Minas Gerais, Maranhão, Espírito Santo and Rio Grande do Sul, for example. Due to popular appeal, many more states are expected to join soon.

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However, to be aware of the acceptance of the program by the State in which you reside, it is recommended to contact the respective DMV, for more informations.

free social license

It is worth mentioning that there is no specific date to request your registration, the deadlines are established by the DMV, according to the adhesion of states to the program. In the state of São Paulo, there are Poupatempo posts, which can be a faster alternative to obtain information.

About the necessary requirements

However, in order to be able to participate in the program, it is clear that there are some mandatory requirements: Having a CadÚnico registration; obtain some social benefit from the government; be over 18 years old and a maximum age of 27 years old; knowing how to read and write; family income of up to 2 minimum wages; etc.

You can consult all the necessary requests on the website of the DMV or on the website of federal government.

Document Request

In this sense, any Detran that you come to request, it is certain that they will ask for some documents, which prove that you really need and can participate in the program. The complete list is:

  • Proof of income
  • Proof of address
  • Birth and marriage certificate
  • RG and CPF
  • work card

With all the documentation in hand, go to an agency or consult online through the website.

More information about CNH social

In this sense, this program aims to help the young citizen not only in the exemption of due fees, but in the entire procedure of acquire the driver's license, therefore, the young person will have help in practical classes; theoretical classes; medical and psychological examinations; practical tests and tests; learning permit; inclusion in the national CNH registry.

In conclusion, this program is an excellent help for those who want to obtain a driver's license, but are unable to do so. In case of doubt, and for more information, consult the website of the DMV of your State.

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How to apply for your free Driver's License